#N/A Excel 2003



I am using VLOOKUP in a spreadsheet.

I would like not to see the #N/A in the cells I have the VLOOKUP command set
up in. I searched for a solution but was only able to find a solution that
has you change the color of the font so it gets mixed in with the background
of the cell. That does not work for me because when a user types in a value
(say SCHOOL#1), the field which has the vlookup statements is not visible!

My question basically is, is there a way to hide the #N/A value until there
is REAL data in that cell?

Thank you.


Put an IF function around your vlookup. Instead of =vlookup(...), use
=if(isna(vlookup(...)),"",vlookup(...)). In words, if the vlookup returns
#N/A, return a blank instead; otherwise return the results of the vlookup.


That can also be:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,C1:C100,2,FALSE)),"Any Error Message You
As I'm sure you've realised,

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