name appearing when preparring a word doc



After I have preparred a word doc in the properties field
it lists the author, how do I remove so that doc can be
sent electronicaly without author name.

Elliott Roper

JBrainard said:
After I have preparred a word doc in the properties field
it lists the author, how do I remove so that doc can be
sent electronicaly without author name.
Preferences->User information (in v.X at least.)

Note: If you are concerned about leaking information to the recipient,
I'd recommend opening the final result in a text editor or hex editor
to see what else you are inadvertently telling them.
I once negotiated an excellent deal by inspecting an offered contract
in this way. The other party's lawyers had left an internal discussion
on the positions they were prepared to take if my company was prepared
for brinksmanship. I was happy to oblige.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister's Office in the UK leaked a lot
of emabarrassing material to the press over the dressing up of the
reasons for entering the war in Iraq by not taking these elementary

There is merit in cleaning up your prefs, saving the document minus the
last paragraph mark, opening and saving as rtf, and the opening the
result and converting it back to Word.
Note that it is difficult to completely remove the pathname to the file
on the source machine. If necessary, save the file to an innocently
named folder tree on an innocently named disk. One of them thar flash
memory dongle thangs may be useful.

If it is really important that you keep leakage to a minimum, deliver
it on paper, by hand, and with deliberate mistakes in the copy so you
can trace the source of the leak.

matt neuburg

JBrainard said:
After I have preparred a word doc in the properties field
it lists the author, how do I remove so that doc can be
sent electronicaly without author name.

Word 2004 has a nice feature that strips out author names on saving. See
under Security, "remove personal information from this file on save".


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