Name Assigned Formula Not Working



I am using Version 2007. The following formula, when inserted manually on the
sheet, does workout but when defined in a name like "Check" and inserted as
=Check, in a cell, doesn't do so. Any particular reason and suggestion?
"VM" is also defined as $F$4.


Chip Pearson

Without trying to figure out exactly what that formula is supposed to
do, it is worth noting that when a formula defined in a Name is
evaluated, it is always evaluated as if it were an array formula,
entered with CTRL SHIFT ENTER. (See for lots more
information about array formulas.)

For example, if A1:A3 have the values 11, 22, and 33, the function


evaluates to 33 if it is not array entered but evaluates to 55 if it
is array entered. If you put that formula in a defined name, the Name
evaluates to 55, not 33, illustrating how Names are evaluated as array

Your formula when array entered returns a #VALUE error, so I think the
task at hand now is to re-construct the formula in a manner such that
it will return the correct result when evaluated as an array formula.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)


Dear Chip,

Thanx for looking into the matter. What I require is to create a shortcut
instead of a lengthy formula, which shall:
1. Check the cell on the left;
2. Compare it with $F$4 (named "VM"); and
3. Return "TRUE" if:
(a) the cell on the left is greater than VM; or
(b) the cell on the left is less than -VM; or
(c) the cell on the left contains the text "old"; or
(d) the cell on the left contains the text "new";

You are quite right that when named, it returns a #Value error, but when
inserted manually as a Simple and not an Array, it works correctly.

I shall really appreciate if you could tell me how to overcome this
impediment and successfully name such a formula?

With Best Regards,
Your Fan,


Sorry I forgot one more condition in 3(a) & 3(b):

What I require is to create a shortcut instead of a lengthy formula, which

1. Check the cell on the left;
2. Compare it with $F$4 (named "VM"); and
3. Return "TRUE" if:
.. (a) the cell on the left is a number AND greater than VM; OR
.. (b) the cell on the left is a number AND less than -VM; OR
.. (c) the cell on the left contains the text "old"; OR
.. (d) the cell on the left contains the text "new";

You are quite right that when named, it returns a #Value error, but when
inserted manually as a SIMPLE and not an ARRAY, it works correctly.

By the way, how to insert an array formula in a defined name?

Thanx again,
Best Regards,
Your ever-admiring Fan


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