Name fields in mailmerge



I have a list of names and addresses for mail merge. The data source has
Title, Initial, First_Name and Last_name fields. Sometimes I do not want the
merge to show the Title and Initial, just the First_Name and Last_name, so I
tried putting the first names in the Title field, e.g.:

«Title» «Intial» «Last_name»

Mr & Mrs J Smith
Mrs R Black
Janet & Peter Jones

This is probably not the right way to do it - in any case, I now get a space
between"Janet & Peter" and "Jones".

Can anyone help, please?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

To simplify things what I would do is just have two fields First_Name and
Last_Name and in the First_Name field put

Mr & Mrs J
Mrs R
Janet & Peter

Alternatively, you can use a series of If...then...Else field constructions

{ IF { MERGEFIELD Title } <> "" "{ MERGEFIELD Title }x" "" }y{ IF {
MERGEFIELD Initial } <> "" "{ MERGEFIELD Initial }x" "" }y{ IF { MERGEFIELD
First_Name } <> "" "{ MERGEFIELD First_Name }x" "" }y{ MERGEFIELD
Last_Name }

Where ever I have inserted and "x" in the above, it needs to be replaced by
a space. There should be no space where I have inserted a "y".

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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