Keith G Hicks
I use vba word automation in Access quite a bit. I've come across a
situation where it would be helpful for me to be able to determine the name
of the dot file that was used to create a document but I don't know if it's
possible. Here's whtat I'm doing:
Set docWord = objWord.Documents.Add(Template:=sWordFormsPath & "letref.dot")
.....then a bunch of processing code to fill in bookmarks and such....
Later on in the same procedure I want to do something like this:
sTemplateName = docWord.<OriginalTemplateNameFileWasCreatedFrom>
I want sTemplateName to return "letref.dot" in this case.
I know I could rearrange my code or use variables to store this at the time
of teh Set docWord line but that's a lot of trouble at the moment. I need a
quick simple solution like the one I hypothesized above.
Is this possible?
situation where it would be helpful for me to be able to determine the name
of the dot file that was used to create a document but I don't know if it's
possible. Here's whtat I'm doing:
Set docWord = objWord.Documents.Add(Template:=sWordFormsPath & "letref.dot")
.....then a bunch of processing code to fill in bookmarks and such....
Later on in the same procedure I want to do something like this:
sTemplateName = docWord.<OriginalTemplateNameFileWasCreatedFrom>
I want sTemplateName to return "letref.dot" in this case.
I know I could rearrange my code or use variables to store this at the time
of teh Set docWord line but that's a lot of trouble at the moment. I need a
quick simple solution like the one I hypothesized above.
Is this possible?