Name of Product



Thanks! (woohoo!)

btw one thing I learned during this release is that regardless of how large a bucket of product name ideas you start with, the funnel of legal and branding constraints is only wide enough to let a few possibilities through. we collected name ideas from around the company and got something like 600 submissions (my favorite, bearing no relationship to the product whatsoever, was "Gargaxx, Dark Reaver of Worlds"). if memory serves, all 600 were eliminated prior to assembling the final set of 4 candidates from which "OneNote" was drawn.

nntp://<[email protected]>

Just a Comment: I think the name of One Notebook would have been better, because it's one notebook for EVERYTHING! I've finally realized that the Side notes are "human intuitive", for jotting ideas.. and then moving them to organize later.. Just learning how to really maximize use of this... Good work, guys!


Peter Engrav \(MS\)

I too was amazed at the complexity of product naming. Developers being the
sort of creatures we are, we had a lot of suggestions for names for OneNote.
I'm pretty sure Owen is right, and that not one of our suggestions made it
through even the semi-mechanical filtering process to be rejected by an
actual human being who didn't think they were a very good suggestion. It's
not just legal and branding issues - it's about not accidentally naming
yourself something profane, insulting, ridiculous or incomprehensible in any
of the myriad of relevant languages.

- Peter Engrav (MS, OneNote Dev Manager)

It's not just legal and branding constraints
Owen said:
Thanks! (woohoo!)

btw one thing I learned during this release is that regardless of how
large a bucket of product name ideas you start with, the funnel of legal and
branding constraints is only wide enough to let a few possibilities through.
we collected name ideas from around the company and got something like 600
submissions (my favorite, bearing no relationship to the product whatsoever,
was "Gargaxx, Dark Reaver of Worlds"). if memory serves, all 600 were
eliminated prior to assembling the final set of 4 candidates from which
"OneNote" was drawn.
nntp:// said:
Just a Comment: I think the name of One Notebook would have been better,
because it's one notebook for EVERYTHING! I've finally realized that the
Side notes are "human intuitive", for jotting ideas.. and then moving them
to organize later.. Just learning how to really maximize use of this... Good
work, guys!