Name Ranges



I have a worksheet where I use multiple named ranges (Excel 2003

When I remove old data from Sheet1, with the exception of the column
headers, row 1, and add new data I have to update all my name ranges and it
is always the cell it references.

In the example above I would have to update the $G$1 because it would read
after I delete the data and add new:

Is there a way to avoid having to update these every time I delete the my
old data and add new, it is time consuming to update all the ranges and they
are needed

T. Valko

One way:


Note that that will *always* refer to Sheet1!G1. If you inserted new columns
or rows and G1 was no longer the "anchor" cell that formula *won't* update to
reflect the action.


Do I still include the,0,0

For example:

T. Valko

You can if you want to.

The way I wrote it:


Those arguments are empty so they default to 0.

These 2 formulas do *exactly* the same thing:



Dave Peterson

I only get that error if I delete G1 (row 1 or column G)

How are you deleting the old data?

Maybe clearing the range (or clearing contents) would be ok.


I highlight all the data from a2 down and delete those rows. Then when I
paste the new data in row a2I get that error.

Dave Peterson

I still can't duplicate this.

I couldn't break it no matter what I tried. Do you use merged cells?

I tried a couple variations and it still worked, but maybe I didn't try merged
cells like you're using?

(Merged cells can be trouble!)

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