Name Resolution Working but IP address not


Manuel Altermatt

Hello Community,

I have a weird problem with Project Server 2007. I have installed Project
Server 2007 and it seems to be working fine when I use the machine name plus
the corresponding port. Eg:


Is working fine and I can access SharePoint.

However, when I use the machine name's IP address instead of the machine
name, Project Server does ask me for my credentials but I end up on the
famous "Error" page. Eg.

doesn't work. And the funny thing is, I have checked name resolution and
I've even done a pinging of machinename and it resolves correctly to the IP
address. I even have other IIS sites installed (obviously on different ports)
and there I can freely choose between using the machinename:port or
ip_address:port and I do get the same result.

Where should I start looking?

Gary L. Chefetz


You need to setup Alternate Access Mapping (AAM) in SharePoint for this to
work. This is like setting host headers in IIS, as that is part of what it

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