Connie Martin

I received a spreadsheet via e-mail and when I opened it all was fine.
Formulas appearing to working perfectly. As soon as I saved it to my
computer a whole column changed to #NAME? in place of the values that were in
their. The formula in the first cell is:
=IF(I42="","",NETWORKDAYS(A42,I42,NonWorkDays2008)-1). The named range
"NonWorkDays2008" is in a worksheet within the same workbook. What would
cause this? This was not doing this on the computer it was sent from.

barry houdini

Hello Connie,

NETWORKDAYS is an Analysis ToolPak add-in function. You need to
enable the add-in on every computer on which the spreadsheet is
accessed. Go to Tools menu and then "add-ins", tick "Analysis ToolPak".

JE McGimpsey

I'd guess you don't have the Analysis Toolpak Add-in installed and are
using XL03 or earlier (just guesses since you didn't say what version of
XL you're using).

Load the add-in using Tools/Add-ins...

Connie Martin

Thank you! That did it! This is a new PC and I had that enabled on my old
PC but when I installed Office on this PC, I didn't remember these add-ins.
Thank you so much. You've made my task so much easier!! Connie

Connie Martin

Thank you. That was it exactly. It's working now. Thanking so much for
responding. Connie

David Biddulph

It's always worth remembering that Excel help will usually give you the
Just type the function name NETWORKDAYS into Excel help.

Connie Martin

I did, but I guess I must've missed it. Will try to dig more the next time.
Thank you.

Shane Devenshire

Hi Connie,

It's nice to know the Microsoft had this issue in mind when the created 2007
- now all the Analysis ToolPak functions are built into Excel, so when
everybody has made the transition to 2007 or later this problem will

But we still have the Analysis ToolPak in 2007, why? Because the Data
Analysis command, on the Tools menu in 2003 is still not built into Excel,
but that's another issue entirely.

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