I have a spreadsheet with the following column headings
Last1 First1 Last2 First2 Address City State Zip
Smith John Jones Mary 123 Main St Anywhere NC 27777
I have the Block Address selected which would make the label
John Smith and Mary Jones
123 Main St
Anywhere, NC 27777
These labels as well as John and Mary Smith (when spouse has same last name)
are coming out fine. The problem is that if any entry on my Excel list is
for John Smith ONLY, the label is coming out "The Smith Family".
How can I make it come out as John Smith on my Word label?
Last1 First1 Last2 First2 Address City State Zip
Smith John Jones Mary 123 Main St Anywhere NC 27777
I have the Block Address selected which would make the label
John Smith and Mary Jones
123 Main St
Anywhere, NC 27777
These labels as well as John and Mary Smith (when spouse has same last name)
are coming out fine. The problem is that if any entry on my Excel list is
for John Smith ONLY, the label is coming out "The Smith Family".
How can I make it come out as John Smith on my Word label?