Namespace prefix change



I have discovered that when the WSDL is auto-generated in .NET (i.e.

* Prior to SP1, it generated xmlns:s0="http://mynamespace/" in
<wsdl:definitions>, and then output my web methods as "s0:MyWebMethod" in
<wsdl:message> sections

* At SP1, it generates xmlns:tns="http://mynamespace/" in
<wsdl:definitions>, and then output my web methods as "tns:MyWebMethod" in
<wsdl:message> sections

So the namespace is the same, but the namespace *prefix* has changed from
"s0" to "tns".

This is causing problems with external integrations (InfoPath, as it happens).

Is there anything I can do about this, e.g. get it now to use "s0" again if
that's what I want? And/or, why the change?

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