I'm putting together a macro that saves down a file. Part of the name
is "Dashboard" and part of the name is a date. I want to macro to
reference a a particular cell in my spreadsheet for the date and
append it to dashboard. I've named the cell in the spreadheet that
contains the date I need, Date in the macro. I'm not sure how to
incorporate it below with my network location. I've tried using
&Date&. This doesn't work. What is the correct syntax? Thanks for
your help.
"\\Corp.real.com\rnfiles\games\Business Operations\Dashboards\New
Dashboard\Dashboard&Date&.xls" _
I'm putting together a macro that saves down a file. Part of the name
is "Dashboard" and part of the name is a date. I want to macro to
reference a a particular cell in my spreadsheet for the date and
append it to dashboard. I've named the cell in the spreadheet that
contains the date I need, Date in the macro. I'm not sure how to
incorporate it below with my network location. I've tried using
&Date&. This doesn't work. What is the correct syntax? Thanks for
your help.
"\\Corp.real.com\rnfiles\games\Business Operations\Dashboards\New
Dashboard\Dashboard&Date&.xls" _