naming lines in Word



Several generations of software back, you used to be able
to name rows in your document. In a large document, this
helped the user move back & forth between interesting
areas of the document. (This is still a feature in Excel,
called "naming ranges" -- I think!). In the latest couple
versions of Word I haven't found this capability, though I
admit I may be looking in the wrong area (format). Any



It sounds as though you are looking for the bookmarks
option. This feature provides you the ability to highlight
a character, word, paragraph, etc., and give it a bookmark
name. This bookmark provides much flexibility for
searching, and cross referencing.

Highlight a word, and choose Insert | Bookmark: type a
name with no spaces. You can use caps to your advantage
for mutilple words (e.g. MyBookmark).

You can later search for this bookmark tying Ctrl G,
select bookmark from the Go to list. Additionally, you can
use the insert cross-reference feature to insert a cross
reference to this bookmark in another area of your


Rob Schneider

Joe said:
Several generations of software back, you used to be able
to name rows in your document. In a large document, this
helped the user move back & forth between interesting
areas of the document. (This is still a feature in Excel,
called "naming ranges" -- I think!). In the latest couple
versions of Word I haven't found this capability, though I
admit I may be looking in the wrong area (format). Any

Are you thinking of "bookmarks"? I conceive of bookmarks as being
analogous to Excel ranges (sort of). You can bookmark points or
selections of text, and then use the GoTo menu to "go to" them. Read
more about bookmarks in the Help.

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