Naming Of A Day In The Month

  • Thread starter Mathew P Bennett
  • Start date

Mathew P Bennett

Good Evening All, I have a simple 3 column s/s, which details direct debit
outgoings for each day of the Month, ie 1-31. Because of the change of day
of month (Mon/Tue...) falls differently each month, ie Mon 1st June, might
be Mon 2nd July. So...

1 01 £1000.00
2 02
3 03 £500.00
4 04 £350.00
5 05

....So depending on the date (today), I would like column A to show the
actual day of the week, Mon/Tue/Wed etc. I have tried linking to a absolute
cell with the Today() fn, and even tried to create a vlookup table in
another w/s but to no avail.
I hope eplained ok! Us usual any assistance is most appreciated.

Cheers, Mathew


One way to approach this is to simply enter the date in A1:
And then custom format A1 to
ddd or dddd
and then just copy down.

T. Valko

Maybe this:

Enter this formula in A1. It'll return the date for the 1st of the month for
the *current* month/year:


Enter this formula in A2 and copy down to A31:


Select the range A1:A31 and format as DDD or DDDD

Mathew P Bennett

Thanks Guys, but niether approach works
I need A1,A2... to reflect the actual day name of the date in Col B,
depending on the date today (this a simple rolling monthly ss)
ie next month, Col A will automatically change (day name) to reflect the
actual month.

Mathew P Bennett

Hi Guys, forgot to mention that in Col B (Date of the Month), there may be
duplicate rows, ie there may be 03 in B4 as well as B3
Cheers, M

T. Valko

niether approach works
I need A1,A2... to reflect the actual day name of the date in Col B

Well, you didn't say that column B *already* has the date! <g>

Enter this formula in A1 and copy down as needed:

=TEXT(B1,"ddd") for the short day name like Mon

=TEXT(B1,"dddd") for the long day name like Monday

Gary Brown

Assuming A1 contains the year (2008) and A2 contains the month (7) and B3
contains the day (1), the formula [watch wrapping in this post] ...
will evaluate July 01, 2008 as 'Wed' for 'Wednesday'.
Hope this helps.
If this post was helpfull, please remember to click on the ''''YES''''
button at the bottom of the screen.
Gary Brown

Ron Rosenfeld

Hi again, cheers biff, but it says 09 July 08 is a Monday!

If 09 Jul 08 means 09 Jul 2008 then the formula you got from Biff is not
reflecting the date.

Most likely, you do NOT have a real date in B1, but rather just a number.

For example, if you had the number 9 in B1, instead of the date 09 Jul 08, then
Excel would interpret the "9" as being equivalent to 9-Jan-1900 which is a

That being the case, you could use:



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