Naming of enterprise fields



At the office we use Microsoft Project to view all the projects, and their
timelines, of other employees as well as our own. There are currently 200
projects that have been published.

The problem I have is that Project Center is having a problem with
displaying the right names of Enterprise Fields. For instance Staff Member is
Enterprise Project Text3 renamed. It is displayed as Budget even though
Budget is Enterprise Project Number1 remaned. Under the column budget it is
showing the staff names and at all other circumstances the staff names are
properly displayed under the catagory name of staff member.

From what I have heard republishing the old project will resolve this issue
but I have a considerable number of projects.

Is there a quick way to republish all projects and will this aid my problem?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to ponder my woes.



The managment of the projects has been the job of co-op students, all of
which Civil Engineering students, including me, who have a far better idea of
steel beam deflection and surveying rather then Microsoft Project. As a
result I do not think there is a common format between the projects.

This may further help finding a solution.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Apost --

Since you renamed the field at some point, I think you need to require every
one of your PM's to open and republish each of their projects by clicking
Collaborate - Publish - Project Plan. You might download and install the
View Populator Utility, which allows you to perform a mass publishing of
multiple projects, but I'm not convinced that will solve your problem. You
can download it at:

Hope this helps.


Thank you for the advice. I hope to try the program shortly.
If the republishing of the projects does not work what are some other options?



I have used the program to republish the project plans and have manually done
about two thirds of the projects but there is no change in the naming of the
fields on project centre. When filtering and categorizing the project it uses
the incorrect naming as well.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?
Thank you


I would like to thank Dale Howard and anyone who pondered my problem.

I am getting the impression that getting all the naming right will not be a
simple task. Republishing the information by View Populator and manualy has
made no difference so it is possible there was some sort of coruption during
a update?

Thank you

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