Naming of file by macro


Soren N.

Could anyone please suggest to me, how I should easily solve the problem of
making a macro that names an Excel-file by using a cell in the current active
sheet. E.g.: I am using Excel for handling orders - and instead of the
tiresome and faulty process of typing the order no. when saving the file - it
would be easier to let a macro do this. Unfortunately it is apparently
impossible to paste a name in to the Save As line.. But a more elegant
solution ought to be possible? I have no experience in VB..
Best of regards,

Jeff Boyce


From your post, it sounds like you are working in Excel. This newsgroup
focuses on MS Access. Try one of the Excel newsgroups.

Ken Snell [MVP]

Jeff is correct... you should post to an EXCEL group. But I'll give you some
hope... there is a way to put a text string into the "filename" box of the
SaveAs dialog box through VBA code, but it requires the use of SendKeys. I
found the way to do it a year ago by doing a Google search of EXCEL

Good luck!

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