I posted this question yesterday (by mistake, I think) in
Outlook-Programming-VBA, at 11/16/2008 10:35 AM PST. I should have posted it
here, I think. If it is improper for me to post it here now, please don't
read any further and accept my apology.
The code below works fine in a form named "UserForm", but when I tried to run
the same code in another form (frmUserForm2's "Initialize" sub), nothing
appears in the textboxes.
I copied the sample code from the Outlook VBA help page named: "Cut, Paste
Methods, TextBox Control Example". I created two forms in my Outlook
VbaProject.Otm; one form was named: UserForm and the other was named
frmUserForm2, and I put the identical code in both, except for the name of
the form.
The sample code is set forth below, except that I changed the first line of
the code from...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
because I named the form: frmUserForm2
The code works fine in the form named "UserForm", but when I tried to run
the same code in frmUserForm2's "Initialize" sub, nothing appears in the
Question #1: I can't figure out why changing the name of the form prevents
the code from working.
Question #2: I have noticed that if I remove a form from the project, and
thereafter create a new form and give it the same name as the form that I
removed, I get an error message: "Path/file access error. Why does this
occur, and how can I fix it?
Private Sub frmUserForm2_Initialize()
TextBox1.Text = "From TextBox1!"
TextBox2.Text = "Hello "
CommandButton1.Caption = "Cut and Paste"
CommandButton1.AutoSize = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
TextBox2.SelStart = 0
TextBox2.SelLength = TextBox2.TextLength
TextBox1.SelStart = 0
TextBox2.SelStart = 0
End Sub
Outlook-Programming-VBA, at 11/16/2008 10:35 AM PST. I should have posted it
here, I think. If it is improper for me to post it here now, please don't
read any further and accept my apology.
The code below works fine in a form named "UserForm", but when I tried to run
the same code in another form (frmUserForm2's "Initialize" sub), nothing
appears in the textboxes.
I copied the sample code from the Outlook VBA help page named: "Cut, Paste
Methods, TextBox Control Example". I created two forms in my Outlook
VbaProject.Otm; one form was named: UserForm and the other was named
frmUserForm2, and I put the identical code in both, except for the name of
the form.
The sample code is set forth below, except that I changed the first line of
the code from...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
because I named the form: frmUserForm2
The code works fine in the form named "UserForm", but when I tried to run
the same code in frmUserForm2's "Initialize" sub, nothing appears in the
Question #1: I can't figure out why changing the name of the form prevents
the code from working.
Question #2: I have noticed that if I remove a form from the project, and
thereafter create a new form and give it the same name as the form that I
removed, I get an error message: "Path/file access error. Why does this
occur, and how can I fix it?
Private Sub frmUserForm2_Initialize()
TextBox1.Text = "From TextBox1!"
TextBox2.Text = "Hello "
CommandButton1.Caption = "Cut and Paste"
CommandButton1.AutoSize = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
TextBox2.SelStart = 0
TextBox2.SelLength = TextBox2.TextLength
TextBox1.SelStart = 0
TextBox2.SelStart = 0
End Sub