napkin math LN but no e?



I was using the LN function which seemed to work OK, but it seems that the
constant e is not given an assignment? I tried e, E, EXP(), ALOG(),you name
it, no e.

Don't you almost need to have e in there, if LN and LOG are going to be base
e? All the other functions have their inverse functions. Why not LN? Am I
supposed to type (1+1/10000000)^10000000 each time?

How did the golden ratio make it to the party but not e? e at least has
application in math, finance, etc.

John Guin [msft]

e is not supported as a constant. If you want, jump over to and file a suggestion for future releases.

Rainald Taesler

John said:
e is not supported as a constant. If you want, jump over to and file a suggestion for future releases.

As I often have given the recommendation to post in Connect, I just
wonder whether this site is still used by the developers.
Different to the days if the ON2007 Beta, there is hardly any activity
to be seen concerning the follow-up of what has been suggested.
AFAICS no comments on the status of a suggestion or bug-report.


John Waller

there is hardly any activity
to be seen concerning the follow-up of what has been suggested.
AFAICS no comments on the status of a suggestion or bug-report.

One reason why I don't bother with Connect anymore, I'm afraid.

It might be promoted as the official channel for suggestions but there's not
much incentive to keep going there.

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