Navigating Hundreds of Notes in a Page



I think 1note serverly lacks (unless am missing something) the feature to
allow a user to navigat notes in a page. I have 300 notes in a page and it it
so annoying to spend 1-2 minutes looking for a note. These should be a
feature to categorize notes within a page and then be able to navigate
through them in an explorer or outliner way.

Erik Sojka

Can you give us more of an idea of how you have currently things organized?
At first glance I'd say you many not be taking advantage of all of the
organization methods that OneNote provides. Also, to make sure we're all on
the same page, keep the terminology correct regarding folders, sections and
pages. ;)

You say "notes in a page" several times. Are you putting for example 300
day's worth of class notes on a single page (a page in OneNote is one tab
along the left or right side of the screen)? If you spread things out to
multiple folders, sections and pages, each of which are intuitively named,
the navigation menu (on the same horizontal row as the section tabs on the
far left side of the screen) allows you to see an "explorer"-like view of the
notes hierarchy and quickly select any page or section.


Yes I know what you're saying. However, having worked with some outliners
before, the presence of a tabbed view along with a navigational menu is a
must. This is my situation, I have projects as a folder, clients as sections,
individual projects as pages for a given client, and tasks within a project
as subpages. My problem is if I use 1note's organizatoin of folders I will
end up with at least 5-10 level deep directory structure. Multiply this with
so many projcts, it becomes a nightmare. My suggestion and wish is to be
able to nest subpages for more that 2 levels. Also, since I decided to use
the page's outlining features to organize a task in a page, I should've at
least been given the feature to see my header levels within a page using a
navigational menue just like msword's outline view (document map). You can
take a look at adm system at It is a great product in
concept, yet unstable. At least you can appreciate where am coming from.

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