Navigation bar appears...but no links.



I posted my webpage using Publisher 2007. I am using godaddy as my domain and
host. I can veiw the links on my home computer however when i use a different
PC i cannot see the links on the navigation bar. Is this a common problem
with publisher? Should i talk to godaddy about it?


What browsers and versions are you using on both computers?
What is the URL to your site?



Im using IE 7 on both and the url is When i
called godaddy tech support, he said that he was able to see it with all
links.....i checked again and still no links through my web browser.


Looks ok with IE7 and FF3. I would bet that you actually are looking at the
site with IE8 beta 2 when you can't see the menu. That seems to be one of
the issues with the new browser.

You might run the design checker under tools and see if that spots an issue,
but from our standpoint, the site renders correctly, if not overly wide.



At this point it appears that the major problem with viewing Publisher 2003
and 2007 webs with IE8 is the wizard built navbars are not rendered. And
viewing the site in compatibility mode does not make any difference. However
that seems to be the only problem reported thus far. Publisher 2000 navbars
don't seem to be affected and those pages load ok in IE8.

Until this gets sorted out, the only workaround I know of is to use a
manually built navbar, or a textual navbar instead of the wizard built one.
One thing you can test is to ungroup the navbar from the wizard. Select your
navbar, go to Arrange and Ungroup, and see if that makes any difference. Be
sure to do this on a backup copy.

Let me know if this makes any difference please.



I'm having the same problem. Has there been update? This seems like a lot
of work and I don't have anymore time to devote to fixing this issue. I even
tried uninstalling IE8, but there isn't a quick fix to that! Also, i tried
embedding a link to google map in my website and it won't load properly.


If you choose to install a beta product then you should be prepared for the
bugs associated with that product and the time required to fix the problems
the beta product creates. If you don't want to deal with the problems, don't
install unfinished beta products.

While MSFT has not yet issued any patch to fix the compatibility problems
with IE8 RC1 and Publisher webs, if you design your site to work correctly
with IE7 and FF3, then the only major problem I have found thus far is the
Publisher wizard built navbar does not render. Given that the final release
of IE8 has not been issued, making any changes in your website at this point
might be premature. I am still somewhat confident that MSFT will address
this issue eventually.

With that said, besides manually building a navbar, I have had time to do
more testing and you can disconnect the navbar wizard and the navbar will
render and will work correctly. Select the navbar > Arrange > ungroup. You
will need to do this with top, side and bottom navbars on each page and then
republish new web files. While this workaround will fix the navbar problem
it also means that if you want to add a new page to your site then you will
need to rebuild the navbar or the new page will not be automatically added
to the existing navbar. Once again, I think it is premature to get all that
worked up about compatibility issues with a beta product, and that the
wisest course of action is to wait for the final release of IE8 and see what
if any patches or changes MSFT makes with either IE8 or Publisher to address
these issues. However since you have chosen to install the IE8 beta and
can't figure out how to uninstall it, then you do have a solution that may
or may not work with the final release of IE8.

As per your other issue with a link not working correctly, then I would
suggest testing it in FF3. If you have the same problem, then chances are
there is a fix. And chances are it is because you have grouped the text box
with the link to another design element, which leads to a simple fix.
Ungroup that text box and test the link. If that does not fix the problem
then feel free to post a link to the page where you are having problems, and
we will try to help you. It is also possible that you are simply embedding
the link incorrectly, so also provide the link and code that you are trying
to use.


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