Barry Wellington
We've found a slight problem we've yet to overcome - we
just upgraded to FP2003, and went to upload our site in
the usual manner, updates only etc. After uploading
successfully, the navigation bar had vanished. more to
the point, it disappeared and was replaced with the
standard home/child links rather than the navigation bar
that was actually supposed to be there.
Further strangeness is that it views fine and looks fine
from this end, and nothing hiding in the HTML suggests it
will do this when it uploads - it uploads normally and
perfectly until it gets to the 'Processing web updates'
part of the process, where it makes the navigation change.
Any ideas? Our host has removed and re-installed the FP
extensions, but this hasn't cured the problem - we've
even tried re-uploading the site from earlier versions of
FP, but to no avail.
We've found a slight problem we've yet to overcome - we
just upgraded to FP2003, and went to upload our site in
the usual manner, updates only etc. After uploading
successfully, the navigation bar had vanished. more to
the point, it disappeared and was replaced with the
standard home/child links rather than the navigation bar
that was actually supposed to be there.
Further strangeness is that it views fine and looks fine
from this end, and nothing hiding in the HTML suggests it
will do this when it uploads - it uploads normally and
perfectly until it gets to the 'Processing web updates'
part of the process, where it makes the navigation change.
Any ideas? Our host has removed and re-installed the FP
extensions, but this hasn't cured the problem - we've
even tried re-uploading the site from earlier versions of
FP, but to no avail.