Navigation bar highlights



My navigation bar was working perfectly, don't know what I did to cause this
problem?! but now I have two buttons highlighted simultaneously and cannot
click on them individually - it looks like they are 'one' now - though they
are for separate pages. How do I 'separate' the two buttons so that they
work individually again? TIA.


It is hard for me to visualize what you are saying, but you could try
repairing the navbar. Click it, and then click on the wand below or Format >
Navigation Bar Properties. Use the option therein. If that doesn't work, you
might just delete the navbar and then go to insert > navbar > existing.



Thanks very much David. I took the plunge, deleted the whole nav bar & did
it again as I couldn't fix it. I think the problem came in when I added
pages and it confused it. Instead of each button on the nav bar only being
highlighted when it was clicked on, it would highlight two together as if
they were one button and I couldn't get into the second page. Anyhow, that
was good advice to delete it and do it again:)


Thanks for posting back and the feedback. I had not read of your problem
before and am glad you sorted it out.


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