I have two issues. I created a page that has a left vertical navigation bar
and a bottom horizontal navigation bar. Issue 1. Both nav bars work in IE,
but the bottom nav bar doesn't work in Firefox. Here is the site.
http://studentorg.clayton.edu/aphia/. I've looked over the help section with
no luck. Issue 2. Viewing the site with an alias url address of
http://www.tauepsilon.org, the left vertical nav bar doesn't work in IE. Has
anyone experienced these issues? Thanks for any help or guidance you can
and a bottom horizontal navigation bar. Issue 1. Both nav bars work in IE,
but the bottom nav bar doesn't work in Firefox. Here is the site.
http://studentorg.clayton.edu/aphia/. I've looked over the help section with
no luck. Issue 2. Viewing the site with an alias url address of
http://www.tauepsilon.org, the left vertical nav bar doesn't work in IE. Has
anyone experienced these issues? Thanks for any help or guidance you can