Navigation Bar



I'm using FP 98. I want to be able to independantly edit
each hover button that appears on the navigation bar - as
in what it says, where it leads, or gain the ability to
delete one button at a time without affecting every other
navigation bar in my web. I'm encountering one main
problem, when adding a navigation bar to a certain page it
asks "paren't level, child leve, top level, etc."
Whichever i choose is then applied to all the other pages -
thus my need to edit each one independatly. help. I think
I'm beginning to lose hope in the universe.

Stefan B Rusynko

You can't edit individual nav bars
You can set their names in View Navigation

If you need different nav bars on different pages don't use shared borders (they must be the same for all pages)

| I'm using FP 98. I want to be able to independantly edit
| each hover button that appears on the navigation bar - as
| in what it says, where it leads, or gain the ability to
| delete one button at a time without affecting every other
| navigation bar in my web. I'm encountering one main
| problem, when adding a navigation bar to a certain page it
| asks "paren't level, child leve, top level, etc."
| Whichever i choose is then applied to all the other pages -
| thus my need to edit each one independatly. help. I think
| I'm beginning to lose hope in the universe.

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