navigation bar



I created a website with a navigation bar and published it to
It first worked fine, but without knowing why it all of a sudden got the
labels wrong. Now I tried to fix it, but the theme of the bar (sandstone)
does not show correctly when I check it in a browswer. There all of a sudden
is not theme, only the label. I tried different things and now it seems
totally screwed up.
I published the site back from the internet site to my harddrive, using a
new folder, but when I do that the navigation bar is missing. Trying to
recreate it from scratch I again get the problem that in FP 2003 it displays
ok but in the browser the theme is missing.
What am I missing. Publishing it back to my hd it checked publish all pages.

Rick Budde

I can see navigation bars along the left hand side and
along the top portion of the web page using IE 6. I don't
know if they are labelled correctly or not as I don't
know what they are supposed to say.

If you could provide a bit more information, I am sure
someone will be able to assist you in resolving your

1. When you say you published your site to/from your
host, did you do so using the "http" method or did you
use FTP? If you are not familar with those terms, see
Front Page help for their definition.

Using the "http" method assures that all of the files
that are required for the web to function as you design
it in Front Page are copied to the destination. With FTP,
you have to have a bit more knowledge of what files are
required and be sure that all files are published.
The "http" method requires that your host support the
Front Page Extensions and that they are enabled on your
account. If you use FTP on a site with Front Page
Extensions, the process of FTPing will "break" the
extensions requiring that your host reset them.

2. What specific (give examples) word changes are being
made in your nav bars labels?

3. When you say the theme of the bar is not displaying
correcting, please describe what you think is supposed to
be versus what you are observing.

In general terms, the more specific information you can
provide in your questions here, the quicker the solution
to your problems.


Thanks for your prompt reply.
1)The navigation bars look ok but as you can see if you hover over the top
bar, they display a different name compared the the page they point to
Yes I used the http method.
2) you can see that now the process label points to the concept page etc.
3) it should display with a sandstone background and the label on it.
In front page it looks OK, like you see it on the website. When I use a
brower (ie6) to look at it, I only see the label, an indent where the button
should be, but not the sandstone part. I still see the page background under
the label.
Thanks for your help


It looks like in your javascript, the gifs, hrefs and alts are all screwed
up. For instance, you have the "The Process" gif ref'd to IContext.htm with
"The Content" alt. Need to get these all back aligned correctly.

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if(MSFPhover) {
MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("_derived/ext1018_cmp_sandston110_hbtn_a.gif"); }
// --></script><a href=""
language="JavaScript" onmouseover="if(MSFPhover)
document['MSFPnav1'].src=MSFPnav1h.src" onmouseout="if(MSFPhover)
src="_derived/ext1018_cmp_sandston110_hbtn.gif" width="140" height="40"
border="0" alt="The Context" align="middle" name="MSFPnav1"></a>


Dan, You are very right. I know that it's all screwed up. I am having a bit
of a problem to easily describe it. So please bear with me.
The day before yesterday, the website was oK. All links looked ok and worked
ok. Then I changed a couple of things in the text and I added a link. (The
CLP docs link). Everything looked ok to me at that point. It was not the
first time that I added another link or changed something else, and each time
my changes worked like expected. But then somebody told me that the labels on
the vertical link bar are screwed up. Only the text lables, not the links
itself. I thought at that point, no problem I just fix the labels and re
publish it. I did that before and it worked, but this time it did not.
I could not change the navigation bar the way I wanted to. I'm not quiet
sure anymore what I exactly I did, because then I did so many things
including starting all from scratch and publishing the site back from my ISP
to my hd.
I checked publish all pages and hit the publish back to HD button.
Now the link bars are not present any more on my HD. It's an empty vertical
and empty horizontal bar.
If I try to recreate the bars, they look ok in front page, but when I look
at them in ie6, the label is ok but the sandstone background is not visible.
there is an indent and the background of the page is behind the lable.
I hope this described my situation a bit better
Thanks for your help

Dan said:
It looks like in your javascript, the gifs, hrefs and alts are all screwed
up. For instance, you have the "The Process" gif ref'd to IContext.htm with
"The Content" alt. Need to get these all back aligned correctly.

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if(MSFPhover) {
MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("_derived/ext1018_cmp_sandston110_hbtn_a.gif"); }
// --></script><a href=""
language="JavaScript" onmouseover="if(MSFPhover)
document['MSFPnav1'].src=MSFPnav1h.src" onmouseout="if(MSFPhover)
src="_derived/ext1018_cmp_sandston110_hbtn.gif" width="140" height="40"
border="0" alt="The Context" align="middle" name="MSFPnav1"></a>

Schwaeble said:
Thanks for your prompt reply.
1)The navigation bars look ok but as you can see if you hover over the top
bar, they display a different name compared the the page they point to
Yes I used the http method.
2) you can see that now the process label points to the concept page etc.
3) it should display with a sandstone background and the label on it.
In front page it looks OK, like you see it on the website. When I use a
brower (ie6) to look at it, I only see the label, an indent where the button
should be, but not the sandstone part. I still see the page background under
the label.
Thanks for your help

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