thanks for any advice
after a recent publish the navigation view of my site does
not match the local view, this of course doesn't allow for
the proper viewing of the navigation structure when using
shared borders and page headings.
I have tried to publish the whole site however it is quite
large and times out. I have seen in the past where a prompt
advises that the navigation structure of the remote site is
different from the local site and advises a number of
options as in replace nav view, merge view
does anyone know how I can force this to happen ? all pages
are in place just the navigation is a mess - the local web
is correct
reply email address works fine,
configured for spam,
thank you MS and Hotmail.
I do check regularly for legit replies
after a recent publish the navigation view of my site does
not match the local view, this of course doesn't allow for
the proper viewing of the navigation structure when using
shared borders and page headings.
I have tried to publish the whole site however it is quite
large and times out. I have seen in the past where a prompt
advises that the navigation structure of the remote site is
different from the local site and advises a number of
options as in replace nav view, merge view
does anyone know how I can force this to happen ? all pages
are in place just the navigation is a mess - the local web
is correct
reply email address works fine,
configured for spam,
thank you MS and Hotmail.
I do check regularly for legit replies