If I may add my two cents worth, it appears that you have tried both
index.htm and default.htm as the home page, and both files are on the
but neither of the corresponding support folders have been uploaded.
So regardless of whether you use index.htm or default.htm as your home page,
as Spike suggested you need to clean up the server. Delete both those files
and any loose files, produced by Publisher, that you might have uploaded
individually. Then after you "publish to the web" upload the new home page
file and the supporting folder *intact* with all the supporting graphics
files and other .htm files within to the root directory...the same directory
level as you currently have the index.htm and the default.htm files. If you
use index.htm then you will get an "index_files" folder. If you use
default.htm then you will get a "default_files" folder. My suggestion is to
use Publisher's default of "index".
I concur with Spike about downloading and using FileZilla for uploading. I
differ in that I would upload both the index.htm file and the index_files
folder together in one operation. That way in the future when you update
your Pub file and produce new files you can do the same thing and overwrite
the original home page and support folder in one operation. In FileZilla it
can be as simple as selecting both the index.htm file and the index_files
folder and dragging and dropping them into the root directory of your host.
GoDaddy has some good instructions on their site about using FileZilla to
upload files and folders, but here is another more complete set of
You might also take a step back and read:
Reference: Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:
janiegirl1960 said:
I went to godaddy's website and uploaded files from thier hosting area and
did upload the new default file BUT I am noticing that when I go back into
publisher I saved each individual page of the site as a separate file and
published them individually to the web as instructed by godaddy. I cannot
find just the website as a whole on publisher - have I made it worse? Why
would the home page - default show up and not any of the other pages?