Navigation links missing in shared borders.



I created my web site with FP2003. My ISP is The web site had
been working perfectly for a few months, including after several revisions
and republishings. I recently changed one page in the navigation structure
and then republished the site--and now the navigation links are missing from
the top and left shared borders. They appear in the local pages. They
appear when I "preview in browsers." I use FP Extensions. At the suggestion
of godaddy, I uninstalled and reinstalled FP Extensions and then republished
the site. Still no navigation links. I have recalculated the links. Still
no navigation links. When I republished I have tried both "publish all
pages" and "publish only changed pages." Still no navigation links. I have
been dealing with this for hours almost every evening for a couple of weeks.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

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