Navigation Structure Issue



I am currently in the process of producing a website and
when I use the navigation structure to add a shared
border to my linked webpages, my main homepage
(index.htm) in the navigation structure comes up in my
published webpage. That is the name used in my
navigation structure shows when I publish the webpage.
How do I remove the title on the navigation structure
show it does not show on my published page. I am not
using a theme and my background is my own picture. Any
help is appreciated.



Jon said:
Thanks for responding but maybe I not explaining my problem correctly. My
index.htm page is my first page and already has been created using FP.
I view in FP it is fine, all my content is correct and I already have the
title I made. The problem is once I publish the webpage all the content
shows that I want plus an additional title shows above my webpage title
I made. I have reviewed the code for the msnavigation section and can see
the wording but I can not remove this code or the wording that shows when
publish. I truly beleive the problem is with the navigation structure and
not the index.htm page properties. Any help with removing this additional
title from the navigation code would be appreciated. Thanks for your


Besides what Rob suggested, you might want to go into your nav structure and
see what's up there.

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