Navigation to next record not working

  • Thread starter mdullni1 via
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mdullni1 via

I have a form and subform. The form has a combo box that determines which
dept records to display on the subform. The subform has multiple pages of
controls for editing. This worked fine (editing, moving through records, etc)
until I added another page that has controls which rely on the value of
another control.

I have a textbox whose InputMask depends on whether a checkbox is true or
false. When I run the procedure to set the InputMask, the if checkbox test
sends the code back to form_current. I added a module-level variable that
basically flags form_current if the code is in the set InputMask procedure.
After a lot of trial and error, I got the code to set the InputMask. Now,
the problem is that when I use the built-in navigation to go to the next
record, it returns to the first record. I have walked through code and
watched ID values, the next record is accessed but the form is on the first

(I also have a combobox that controls the rowsource of another combobox)

Why does the If chkbox statement invoke the form_current procedure?

Here is some code:
Private Sub Form_Current()
'* Sub: Form_Current
'* Purpose: Sets backcolor on fields for current record. Sets Current Record
'* label to name of current student.
If mblnEmrgPhn_Mask_Set = False And mblnCnty_RowSrc_Set = False Then

Me.lblCrntRcrd.Caption = "Current Record: " & Me.LNm & ", " & Me.FNm & "
" & Me.MNm

mblntabPrsnl_Set = False
mblntabCtzn_Set = False
mblntabAddr_Set = False
mblntabSchl_Set = False
mblntabSOMRqrd_Set = False
If Me!TabCtlGradAdms.Pages(Me!TabCtlGradAdms.value).Name = "tabPrsnl"
Call TabCtlGradAdms_Change
End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub TabCtlGradAdms_Change()
'* Sub: TabCtlGradAdms_Change
'* Purpose: Set the display as each page of the tab gets focus.
Call Set_BckGrnd(True)

Select Case Me!TabCtlGradAdms.Pages(Me!TabCtlGradAdms.value).Name
Case "tabPrsnl"
If mblntabPrsnl_Set = False Then
mblntabPrsnl_Set = True
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtLNm, mlngLNm_Lngth, False)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtFNm, mlngFNm_Lngth, False)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtMNm, mlngMNm_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtSSN, mlngSSN_Lngth, False)

Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_DOB(Me.txtDOB.Text)
End If

Case "tabCtzn"
If mblntabCtzn_Set = False Then
mblntabCtzn_Set = True
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Visa
End If

Case "tabAddr"
If mblntabAddr_Set = False Then
mblntabAddr_Set = True
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtLclAddr1, mlngAddr1_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtLclAddr2, mlngAddr2_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtLclAddrCty, mlngCty_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtLclAddrPstl, mlngPstl_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtPrmAddr1, mlngAddr1_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtPrmAddr2, mlngAddr2_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtPrmAddrCty, mlngCty_Lngth, True)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Lngth(Me.txtPrmAddrPstl, mlngPstl_Lngth, True)
End If

Case "tabSchl"
If mblntabSchl_Set = False Then
mblntabSchl_Set = True
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Schl(1)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Schl(2)
Call Set_BckGrnd_Color_Schl(3)
End If

Case "tabSOMRqrd"
Call Set_BckGrnd(False)
If mblntabSOMRqrd_Set = False Then
mblntabSOMRqrd_Set = True
Call Set_EmrgPhn_Mask
Call Set_Cnty_RowSrc
End If

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Set_EmrgPhn_Mask()
mblnEmrgPhn_Mask_Set = True
If Me!chkEmrgCntctIntl.value = True Then
Me!txtEmrgCntctPhn.InputMask = ""
Me!txtEmrgCntctPhn.InputMask = "(999) 000-0000;;_"
End If
mblnEmrgPhn_Mask_Set = False
End Sub

Private Sub Set_Cnty_RowSrc()
mblnCnty_RowSrc_Set = True
Me.cboRSDCnty.RowSource = "select lngCntyID, strCntyDsc from tblCnty " _
& "where lngStID = " & Nz(Me!cboRSDStID, 0) & " order
by strCntyDsc"
mblnCnty_RowSrc_Set = False

End Sub

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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