Nearest Date



Is it possible to identify the nearest date??
The below code from a Text Box in a report, calculates a due date, but it
just returns the first one.
I'm trying to add to it - to say - nearest date to today.!!

Is this possible, I've tried adding "Date()" a few was with no luck...



Any suggestions on adding your suggestion to this piece of code that
calculates my due date. I know this code will not mean much to you, but as
you can see it goes thru a lot of changes, to calculate the due date:

=IIf([tr_inquirytype] In
In ("HO") And [tr_CaseType] In
("C","G"),[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_InquiryType]="AD",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And [tr_InquiryType]="GR" Or
In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="C",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+60,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30))))))))))+IIf([tr_casetype] In
("C","P","G") And [tr_product] In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And

Ofer Cohen said:
Try something like

=Dmax("[DateField]","[TableName]","[DateField] < = Date()")

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
Is it possible to identify the nearest date??
The below code from a Text Box in a report, calculates a due date, but it
just returns the first one.
I'm trying to add to it - to say - nearest date to today.!!

Is this possible, I've tried adding "Date()" a few was with no luck...


Ofer Cohen

To join two values in a text box you need to use & , it's better with a space
in between the values.

So it will look like

=Formula & " " & AnotherFormula

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
Any suggestions on adding your suggestion to this piece of code that
calculates my due date. I know this code will not mean much to you, but as
you can see it goes thru a lot of changes, to calculate the due date:

=IIf([tr_inquirytype] In
In ("HO") And [tr_CaseType] In
("C","G"),[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_InquiryType]="AD",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And [tr_InquiryType]="GR" Or
In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="C",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+60,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30))))))))))+IIf([tr_casetype] In
("C","P","G") And [tr_product] In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And

Ofer Cohen said:
Try something like

=Dmax("[DateField]","[TableName]","[DateField] < = Date()")

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
Is it possible to identify the nearest date??
The below code from a Text Box in a report, calculates a due date, but it
just returns the first one.
I'm trying to add to it - to say - nearest date to today.!!

Is this possible, I've tried adding "Date()" a few was with no luck...



I'm stuck!!! I'm trying to do what you said but I cannot figure out how to
add the "DMAX" When I add this it exceeds the allowed characters...

=IIf([tr_........ And [tr_extension]=True,14,0)))
=Dmax("[ReceivedDT]","[T_Main]","[ReceivedDT] < = Date()")

Ofer Cohen said:
To join two values in a text box you need to use & , it's better with a space
in between the values.

So it will look like

=Formula & " " & AnotherFormula

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
Any suggestions on adding your suggestion to this piece of code that
calculates my due date. I know this code will not mean much to you, but as
you can see it goes thru a lot of changes, to calculate the due date:

=IIf([tr_inquirytype] In
In ("HO") And [tr_CaseType] In
("C","G"),[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_InquiryType]="AD",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And [tr_InquiryType]="GR" Or
In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="C",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+60,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30))))))))))+IIf([tr_casetype] In
("C","P","G") And [tr_product] In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And

Ofer Cohen said:
Try something like

=Dmax("[DateField]","[TableName]","[DateField] < = Date()")

Good Luck


Is it possible to identify the nearest date??
The below code from a Text Box in a report, calculates a due date, but it
just returns the first one.
I'm trying to add to it - to say - nearest date to today.!!

Is this possible, I've tried adding "Date()" a few was with no luck...


Ofer Cohen

You can always create two text boxes, one for each formula

=IIf([tr_........ And [tr_extension]=True,14,0)))
=Dmax("[ReceivedDT]","[T_Main]","[ReceivedDT] < = Date()")

Make them visible False

And then create another text box to combine the two, in the control source
=[TextBox1Name] & " " & [TextBox2Name]

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
I'm stuck!!! I'm trying to do what you said but I cannot figure out how to
add the "DMAX" When I add this it exceeds the allowed characters...

=IIf([tr_........ And [tr_extension]=True,14,0)))
=Dmax("[ReceivedDT]","[T_Main]","[ReceivedDT] < = Date()")

Ofer Cohen said:
To join two values in a text box you need to use & , it's better with a space
in between the values.

So it will look like

=Formula & " " & AnotherFormula

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
Any suggestions on adding your suggestion to this piece of code that
calculates my due date. I know this code will not mean much to you, but as
you can see it goes thru a lot of changes, to calculate the due date:

=IIf([tr_inquirytype] In
In ("HO") And [tr_CaseType] In
("C","G"),[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_InquiryType]="AD",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And [tr_InquiryType]="GR" Or
In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="C",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+60,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30))))))))))+IIf([tr_casetype] In
("C","P","G") And [tr_product] In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And


Try something like

=Dmax("[DateField]","[TableName]","[DateField] < = Date()")

Good Luck


Is it possible to identify the nearest date??
The below code from a Text Box in a report, calculates a due date, but it
just returns the first one.
I'm trying to add to it - to say - nearest date to today.!!

Is this possible, I've tried adding "Date()" a few was with no luck...



Per your suggestion, obviously I already have the first Text Box.
Step 2, create the 2nd text box like:
=DMax("[ReceivedDT]","[T_Main]","[ReceivedDT] < = Date()")

When I do just that, the compile runs the results on the report are #Error.
It does not give any reason why?

Any Suggestions???

Ofer Cohen said:
You can always create two text boxes, one for each formula

=IIf([tr_........ And [tr_extension]=True,14,0)))
=Dmax("[ReceivedDT]","[T_Main]","[ReceivedDT] < = Date()")

Make them visible False

And then create another text box to combine the two, in the control source
=[TextBox1Name] & " " & [TextBox2Name]

Good Luck

Dan @BCBS said:
I'm stuck!!! I'm trying to do what you said but I cannot figure out how to
add the "DMAX" When I add this it exceeds the allowed characters...

=IIf([tr_........ And [tr_extension]=True,14,0)))
=Dmax("[ReceivedDT]","[T_Main]","[ReceivedDT] < = Date()")

Ofer Cohen said:
To join two values in a text box you need to use & , it's better with a space
in between the values.

So it will look like

=Formula & " " & AnotherFormula

Good Luck


Any suggestions on adding your suggestion to this piece of code that
calculates my due date. I know this code will not mean much to you, but as
you can see it goes thru a lot of changes, to calculate the due date:

=IIf([tr_inquirytype] In
In ("HO") And [tr_CaseType] In
("C","G"),[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In ("HO") And
[tr_InquiryType]="AD",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+15,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And [tr_InquiryType]="GR" Or
In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="C",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+60,IIf([tr_product] In
("MM","MD","MP","AY") And
[tr_CaseType]="P",[TR_DATE_TIMERCVD_HOI]+30))))))))))+IIf([tr_casetype] In
("C","P","G") And [tr_product] In ("MM","MD","MP","AY") And


Try something like

=Dmax("[DateField]","[TableName]","[DateField] < = Date()")

Good Luck


Is it possible to identify the nearest date??
The below code from a Text Box in a report, calculates a due date, but it
just returns the first one.
I'm trying to add to it - to say - nearest date to today.!!

Is this possible, I've tried adding "Date()" a few was with no luck...


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