Need a Command Button in a Word Template



Reference Word 2003
I am trying another approach to a template problem I have been working on.
I have an online work order form that our voice consultants need to fill out
for each customer. The form has a section for customer ID info and the rest
of the form has 11 columns where the customer requests is completed. Each
line represents one telephone. If the customer has 1 or a 1000 phones, each
phone will have a line entry. This is the part where I start to have
problems. By the time I get all the customer id info, there is only enough
space for 12 line entries. I have created another form (continuation page)
to go to if the consultant requires it. I have tried using an on exit macro
and it works but I need to have the option of NOT using it. Right now, when
you get to the last field, on the last line, it tabs to a field that is
labeled Additional Page. Of course, when I come off it, it opens the page as
it is suppose to do. But I want to be able to make that a yes I do or no I
don't want to open that page. So I figured a command button would be the
solution. Click on it to open the Additional Page, otherwise, go tab on by
it and go back to the top of the form. I have gone to the control toolbox
and inserted a command button but I can't program it and it seems to keep the
template from locking down. The padlock icon grays out as soon as you insert
the button. I am not a programmer in VB and need help. I hope this all
makes sense, it is little hard to explain. Thanks for any help anyone can
give me.


The short answer is: Word is a poor choice for this purpose. Word forms are
rather a mess at the best of times; and the task you're trying to solve --
which is actually very common -- highlights the problem.

MS's own answer is to use InfoPath, which has a 'repeating section' feature
to handle structured data such as you have. There are also several XML form
editors, some of which are free and work well, that would be better for the
situation you descibe.

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