Duane is right (no surprise there)!
Don't get me wrong, with time you could learn to create your own system.
The problem being it would not incorporate functionalities that a
professional developer would, no doubt, incorporate to facilitate your work.
As such, you would most probably be frustrated with the tool you would
develop on your own or you would be the only person in the organisation that
could truly work with it (this has been the case of countless charities I
have helped).
You are much better of either buying a tool that does what you need or hire
a professional to create one from scratch. In my experience, most often than
not, you are better to hire a professional and start from scratch as it is
hard to find an existing piece of software that does everything you need.
As for templates, there are lots on-line. You could start by taking a look
Hope this helps,
Daniel Pineault
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