need a db written ~ in exchange I offer . . .


Glenn Kelley

Hello Group I am hoping that someone will be able to help me.

We have a volunteer Fire company that is in need of a database to track the
parking tickets we write for the Firelane violations.

We live in a very large community - are non-billing and not funded by the

We want to be able to track who we write violations to - and if more than
one violation is written in a season (say Winter) etc
we are able to then actually fine for the violation ...

The reason for doing this is because as we respond to medical calls and
firecalls we are unable to park in the firelanes due to numerous vehicles @
the Kmars, etc...

In exchange I offer a free domain name and hosting on our Linux server.

Please send an email to glenn at hostmedic dot com

thank you

Chris Mills

You need to get a professional software company in your area, or likely go out
to tender if you're a public utility.
(the rest is facetious)
I myself am still smarting because I was told last week to put out a fire in
my back yard. In my incinerator! We are so "PC Correct" nowadays that I can
light a fire INSIDE my house (for heating) but not OUTSIDE in an incinerator.
A bylaw just can't run that either

Parking tickets? Ha! Push them out of the way with your truck and say it was
an emergency!

Tony Toews

Chris Mills said:
Parking tickets? Ha! Push them out of the way with your truck and say it was
an emergency!

There was a fire call at a residence used by the athletes during the
Calgary Olympics. The security guard on duty wouldn't let the fire
trucks through. So the captain on scene told the truck to open the
gate. The security guard started running. Which was a good thing as
one half of the flying gate knocked his guard shack down.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Pieter Linden

ViolatorID Autonumber, (or license#)
FirstName Text(15),
LastName Text(20),
Address Text(100),
City Text(25),
State Text(2),
ZipCode Text(5));

TicketNo Text(10),
ViolatorID Long,
TicketDate Date,
ReasonID Long,
OfficerID Long);

OfficerID Autonumber,
FirstName Text(15),
LastName Text(20),

ReasonID Autonumber,
Reason Text(20) UNIQUE);

yeah, fake SQL... but you get the idea, I hope. Then you can do a
summary query Get a count of tickets by ViolatorID. If you have 2 for
the same person in a given time period, send them a ticket...


I sent you an email with an attached file containing an example of
your request. Please look for it.



Please send me an email to: (e-mail address removed) and I will send you the
requested database as a zipped attachment. Been trying without success
to reach you.


Chris Mills

(from my post)
I myself am still smarting...

from the smoke, get it? I was a bit slow on my first post.
Thanks for your light-hearted (heavy-handed!) response. We Access Developers
need light relief.


P.S. In my country, they've just banned all smoking in all pubs. True. Next
they will ban farting because it is reported to be flammable (not true, the
ban I mean)
(I'm a smoker...what should I d...puff!)

Glenn Kelley

Thanks PJAC -
looks good - I need a few additions and changes ... but who knows...

I have approached our organization to request the funds needed in your
proposal - however I doubt it will yield -

crossing my fingers....


Larry Linson

P.S. In my country, they've just banned all
smoking in all pubs. True. Next they will
ban farting because it is reported to be
flammable (not true, the ban I mean)
(I'm a smoker...what should I d...puff!)

Seems you only have a limited number of choices... give up drinking, give up
smoking, or take your mug and smokes outside. Don't laugh... when IBM banned
smoking at its Rochester, MN lab back in the early 1990s, clusters of people
in the designated outside smoking areas braved some really bitter cold to
get their nicotine fix.

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