Need a dynamic link into SQL Server with PP 2003


Wayne West

I'm trying to create a presentation to show election results. We only have
five races, so what I'm planning is a five page slide show linked to five SQL
Server queries that show totals for each race. I am not finding any solution
within PowerPoint that will let me link directly to a SQL datasource, and I'm
not confident that linking through Excel will do it as this needs to
automatically refresh and to run unattended.

Steve Rindsberg suggested a tool from to a previous
question, but that's not viable for me (i.e. spending money). I would have
thought PP would have the ability to link to an ODBC data source since pretty
much every other Office product can.


You woulda thunk it, but no.

The only (no cost) way I can think of to do it is to save your SQL queries
to Excel and Excel as Web pages and use LiveWeb connected to the appropriate
web pages in the presentation.


With a little thought you could probably write a little VB code to
automatically update the excel worksheets and output as HTML to the desired

Brian Reilly, MVP

We all, well some, would have liked that built in. It isn't so a few
of us wrote sample VBA code to do just that. It open code at

Using Excel and Access data in PowerPoint Tables (by Brian Reilly
....From the PowerPoint FAQ: Using Excel and Access data in PowerPoint
Tables (by Brian Reilly and Naresh Nichani) -- The PowerPoint FAQ
(Frequently Asked ... - 13k

Brian Reilly, MVP

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