I am having trouble created a certain formula I need. Here is my
attempt at an explanation:
I have one very large column of values, where each value is either a
2,3, or 5. I want to extract in another column all of the 2s that are
preceded by a 3 before they are preceded by a 5, as well as the cell
with the 3 in it That is, if there is 2 value in cell BB193, and BB
190:BB192 are all 2s also, but BB189 is a 3, then I want all of those
values in a new column. However, if BB191 is a 5 instead of a 2, then
I do not want values BB193:BB191 (BB190 and BB189 will depend on
whether a 3 or a 5 precedes them first). I should note that there are
many 2s 3s and 5s interspersed throughout my datasheet in a seemingly
random fashion.
Any ideas? Please let me know if I need to clarify.
attempt at an explanation:
I have one very large column of values, where each value is either a
2,3, or 5. I want to extract in another column all of the 2s that are
preceded by a 3 before they are preceded by a 5, as well as the cell
with the 3 in it That is, if there is 2 value in cell BB193, and BB
190:BB192 are all 2s also, but BB189 is a 3, then I want all of those
values in a new column. However, if BB191 is a 5 instead of a 2, then
I do not want values BB193:BB191 (BB190 and BB189 will depend on
whether a 3 or a 5 precedes them first). I should note that there are
many 2s 3s and 5s interspersed throughout my datasheet in a seemingly
random fashion.
Any ideas? Please let me know if I need to clarify.