Need a Macro-Removing Check Boxes



I have a spec sheet that is very long but below is just
an example of it. What I am in need of is a macro that
will automatically remove any check box that is uncheck
along with its label. And then remove any spaces between
the check boxes.
This is first an example with everything: (The " 0 " are
checkboxes but that is how it pasted)

Interior Frames: 0 No; 0 Yes; 0 Standard; 0 Custom Steel;
Construction: 0 Welded; 0 Knocked-Down; 0 Knocked-Down

Now this is how I want it to look if the "Standard"
and "Knocked-Down" check boxes are the only ones checked.

Interior Frames: 0 Standard;
Construction: 0 Knocked-Down;

Can anyone help with this macro text.
Thank you,

Doug Robbins

What sort of checkboxes are they?

Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. Questions sent directly to me will only be answered on a paid
consulting basis.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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