Access 2003.
I need to create a report from a database table I use for tracking Patient
Care Charts for an ambulance service.
I need to create a report for each EMT that has written a Patient Care Chart
within a user-specified time period. Preferrably, with a single button click
(single macro).
The variables I expect that I will need to be using are: "MedicName"
"StartDate" and "EndDate". "MedicName" may occur in 3 different fields in
each record as the medic who writes the chart, medic who starts IV#1 and
medic who starts IV#2.
I will need to create a list of "MedicName"s that have written a chart
between "StartDate" and "EndDate".
Then, for each "MedicName", find the number of times that "MedicName" has
started an IV. The "MedicName" who writes the chart may not be the
"MedicName" who starts the IV. That value will be displayed on the front
page of the report, along with some statistics.
Then, I need to create a query of all the charts written by "MedicName"
between "StartDate" and "EndDate".
I have a report that works (except for the # of IV starts) with a query
based on Allen Browne's date range instructions and a manually entered
"MedicName" for the medic who wrote the chart. Is it possible to have a
macro that passes the needed arguments to an existing query?
I know this is asking a lot, but I've never written a macro in access other
that Allen Browne's. I think that, if I had a push in the right direction, I
could figure out the rest of what I need. I haven't found much in the way of
"help" or "tutorial" assistance on writing macros. I just don't really know
where (or how) to get started....
Thanks in advance!!
I need to create a report from a database table I use for tracking Patient
Care Charts for an ambulance service.
I need to create a report for each EMT that has written a Patient Care Chart
within a user-specified time period. Preferrably, with a single button click
(single macro).
The variables I expect that I will need to be using are: "MedicName"
"StartDate" and "EndDate". "MedicName" may occur in 3 different fields in
each record as the medic who writes the chart, medic who starts IV#1 and
medic who starts IV#2.
I will need to create a list of "MedicName"s that have written a chart
between "StartDate" and "EndDate".
Then, for each "MedicName", find the number of times that "MedicName" has
started an IV. The "MedicName" who writes the chart may not be the
"MedicName" who starts the IV. That value will be displayed on the front
page of the report, along with some statistics.
Then, I need to create a query of all the charts written by "MedicName"
between "StartDate" and "EndDate".
I have a report that works (except for the # of IV starts) with a query
based on Allen Browne's date range instructions and a manually entered
"MedicName" for the medic who wrote the chart. Is it possible to have a
macro that passes the needed arguments to an existing query?
I know this is asking a lot, but I've never written a macro in access other
that Allen Browne's. I think that, if I had a push in the right direction, I
could figure out the rest of what I need. I haven't found much in the way of
"help" or "tutorial" assistance on writing macros. I just don't really know
where (or how) to get started....
Thanks in advance!!