Need a simple formula for conditional average


Terry B.

[Apologize if this has been covered beaucoups times but I did a search
of "conditional average" and couldn't get a decent answer ;-]
I know this is an EASY question, and it's driving me nuts that I
can't figure it. All I need is a formula that'll average the values in
one column--GIVEN the fact that they match a criteria in another
column. [Blank &/or null value cells are not an issue here.] Here's a
quick example:
RaceDate MaxSpeed BikeNumber
3/6/01 22 15
4/6/01 18 1
5/6/01 25 7
6/6/01 21 1
7/6/01 17 15
8/6/01 23 7

ALL I'M LOOKING FOR is a formula that will calc an average of
'MaxSpeed' but only for a certain 'BikeNumber'. I've tried
"=AVERAGE(IF("BikeNumber"=1))) and variations of same, but can't hit
on it. I'd appreciate any help on this; thanks for your time &
attention to detail.


A.W.J. Ales

Try :


Auk Ales

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Terry B.

A.W.J. Ales said:
Try :


Auk Ales

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Terry B. said:
[Apologize if this has been covered beaucoups times but I did a search
of "conditional average" and couldn't get a decent answer ;-]
I know this is an EASY question, and it's driving me nuts that I
can't figure it. All I need is a formula that'll average the values in
one column--GIVEN the fact that they match a criteria in another
column. [Blank &/or null value cells are not an issue here.] Here's a
quick example:
RaceDate MaxSpeed BikeNumber
3/6/01 22 15
4/6/01 18 1
5/6/01 25 7
6/6/01 21 1
7/6/01 17 15
8/6/01 23 7

ALL I'M LOOKING FOR is a formula that will calc an average of
'MaxSpeed' but only for a certain 'BikeNumber'. I've tried
"=AVERAGE(IF("BikeNumber"=1))) and variations of same, but can't hit
on it. I'd appreciate any help on this; thanks for your time &
attention to detail.

Thanks for taking the time BUT that idea didn't work. ("The formula
you typed contains an error" etc.) Anybody else got an idea???

Terry B.

A.W.J. Ales said:
Try :


Auk Ales

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Terry B. said:
[Apologize if this has been covered beaucoups times but I did a search
of "conditional average" and couldn't get a decent answer ;-]
I know this is an EASY question, and it's driving me nuts that I
can't figure it. All I need is a formula that'll average the values in
one column--GIVEN the fact that they match a criteria in another
column. [Blank &/or null value cells are not an issue here.] Here's a
quick example:
RaceDate MaxSpeed BikeNumber
3/6/01 22 15
4/6/01 18 1
5/6/01 25 7
6/6/01 21 1
7/6/01 17 15
8/6/01 23 7

ALL I'M LOOKING FOR is a formula that will calc an average of
'MaxSpeed' but only for a certain 'BikeNumber'. I've tried
"=AVERAGE(IF("BikeNumber"=1))) and variations of same, but can't hit
on it. I'd appreciate any help on this; thanks for your time &
attention to detail.

Thanks for taking the time BUT that idea didn't work. ("The formula
you typed contains an error" etc.) Anybody else got an idea???
TO AUK & others: Looked around in other sources and got it figured
out...Have an excellent day :-]

A.W.J. Ales


I don't know which solution you did finf on your own.
If you still want to try : In my first reply I used the argumentseparator ;

I think that if you replace this with , (comma) the formula will work.

The semicolon is used in the European setting, which I forgot to mention in
my reply.

Auk Ales

* Please reply to this newsgroup only *
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Terry B. said:
(e-mail address removed) (Terry B.) wrote in message
"A.W.J. Ales" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Try :


Auk Ales

* Please reply to this newsgroup only *
* I will not react on unsolicited e-mails *

[Apologize if this has been covered beaucoups times but I did a search
of "conditional average" and couldn't get a decent answer ;-]
I know this is an EASY question, and it's driving me nuts that I
can't figure it. All I need is a formula that'll average the values in
one column--GIVEN the fact that they match a criteria in another
column. [Blank &/or null value cells are not an issue here.] Here's a
quick example:
RaceDate MaxSpeed BikeNumber
3/6/01 22 15
4/6/01 18 1
5/6/01 25 7
6/6/01 21 1
7/6/01 17 15
8/6/01 23 7

ALL I'M LOOKING FOR is a formula that will calc an average of
'MaxSpeed' but only for a certain 'BikeNumber'. I've tried
"=AVERAGE(IF("BikeNumber"=1))) and variations of same, but can't hit
on it. I'd appreciate any help on this; thanks for your time &
attention to detail.

Thanks for taking the time BUT that idea didn't work. ("The formula
you typed contains an error" etc.) Anybody else got an idea???
TO AUK & others: Looked around in other sources and got it figured
out...Have an excellent day :-]

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