Terry B.
[Apologize if this has been covered beaucoups times but I did a search
of "conditional average" and couldn't get a decent answer ;-]
I know this is an EASY question, and it's driving me nuts that I
can't figure it. All I need is a formula that'll average the values in
one column--GIVEN the fact that they match a criteria in another
column. [Blank &/or null value cells are not an issue here.] Here's a
quick example:
RaceDate MaxSpeed BikeNumber
3/6/01 22 15
4/6/01 18 1
5/6/01 25 7
6/6/01 21 1
7/6/01 17 15
8/6/01 23 7
ALL I'M LOOKING FOR is a formula that will calc an average of
'MaxSpeed' but only for a certain 'BikeNumber'. I've tried
"=AVERAGE(IF("BikeNumber"=1))) and variations of same, but can't hit
on it. I'd appreciate any help on this; thanks for your time &
attention to detail.
of "conditional average" and couldn't get a decent answer ;-]
I know this is an EASY question, and it's driving me nuts that I
can't figure it. All I need is a formula that'll average the values in
one column--GIVEN the fact that they match a criteria in another
column. [Blank &/or null value cells are not an issue here.] Here's a
quick example:
RaceDate MaxSpeed BikeNumber
3/6/01 22 15
4/6/01 18 1
5/6/01 25 7
6/6/01 21 1
7/6/01 17 15
8/6/01 23 7
ALL I'M LOOKING FOR is a formula that will calc an average of
'MaxSpeed' but only for a certain 'BikeNumber'. I've tried
"=AVERAGE(IF("BikeNumber"=1))) and variations of same, but can't hit
on it. I'd appreciate any help on this; thanks for your time &
attention to detail.