Need a stacked bar chart with each stack representing a month



Need a stacked bar chart with each section of the stack representing a month,
but some of the months have a negative number. The chart moves the negative
number to the bottom of the graph, when I need it to show in monthly order.

Any help on this would be great!


I agree that it is annowing.

What I do is plot the absolute values of the data and selectively change the
colors for the negative to indicate negative.

Jon Peltier

How do you accurately represent the total of the stack if some of the
numbers are negative? The stack will be wrong by twice the sum of the

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


That's a good idea!
Thanks bj!

bj said:
I agree that it is annowing.

What I do is plot the absolute values of the data and selectively change the
colors for the negative to indicate negative.

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