Need a Subform Combo Box Lookup to be Filtered



Have a Main Form Named Enquiry_Input, Where The Data Source Is a Query
Which The Query Is a Representation of the Enquiry Table, With An
Addition Project Title Field In The Query ,

The Project QNo Field is a Look Up From The First Column from My
Projects Table, Which Holds all The Project QNo's What Happens Is When
i Select a Project QNo, The Project Title is shown in the Project

The Enquiry Table Have a Unique ID Called Enquiry ID Primary Key,

But Before a Carry On I Have a Drawing Table, Which is Linked From my
projects Table, Which is Set to One to Many, Which Allows Me To Store
Multiply Drawings To That Project QNo. [Drawing No] is the Primery Key
is This Table.

Next i Have Drawing Link Table, Which Allows Me to Link Drawings To An
Enquiry No.

The Table Consists Of [Enquiry No], [Drawing No]

The [Drawing No] Filed Is a Look Up Combo Which Looks at The Drawing
Table [Drawing No] Field.

The Drawing Link Table Is a Subform on My Enquiry Forrm, So When I
Select Drawing From The Combo On the Subform The Drawings are assigned
to that Current Enquiry.

But What I Cant Seem To Achieve is That The Combo Lookup on for
subform Shows all Drawings for all projects, Which I Know Why Cause
the Look Up Is Set To The Drawing Table.

How Do I Get This Subform Combo Look Up To Only Show Drawings That are
Related To The Project That I have Selected In The Combo Look Up On
the Main Form?


Perhaps I'm hallucinating, but hasn't your question already been posted, and
re-posted, and answered?

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