Need Access template to log students into classroom?



Looking for a simple Access template to log students into our school media
center by student number. Includes current date and time automatically. An
optional popup menu would indicate their purpose (book checkout, research,
club meeting, etc.). Name could be looked up from existing spreadsheet with
names and student numbers. ID picture could be looked up from jpg files
named by ID number.


You probably won't find any templates like this. I provide help with Access
applications. I could build this simple database for you for a very modest
fee. Contact me.

(e-mail address removed)

John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
You probably won't find any templates like this. I provide help with
Access applications. I could build this simple database for you for a very
modest fee. Contact me.

(e-mail address removed)

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

A few gems gleaned from the Word New User newsgroup over the Christmas
holidays to show Stevie's "expertise" in Word.

Dec 17, 2008 7:47 pm

Word 2007 ..........
In older versions of Word you could highlght some text then go to Format -
Change Case and change the case of the hoghloghted text. Is this still
available in Word 2007? Where?
Thanks! Steve

Dec 22, 2008 8:22 pm

I am designing a series of paystubs for a client. I start in landscape and
draw a table then add columns and rows to setup labels and their
corresponding value. This all works fine. After a landscape version is
completed, I next need to design a portrait version. Rather than strating
from scratch, I'd like to be able to cut and paste from the landscape
version and design the portrait version.

Dec 24, 2008, 1:12 PM

How do you protect the document for filling in forms?

One of my favourites:
Dec 30, 2008 8:07 PM - a reply to stevie
(The original poster asked how to sort a list and stevie offered to create
the OP an Access database)
Yes, you are right but a database is the correct tool to use not a

Not at all. If it's just a simple list then a spreadsheet is perfectly

John... Visio MVP

Piet Linden

Looking for a simple Access template to log students into our school media
center by student number. Includes current date and time automatically.  An
optional popup menu would indicate their purpose (book checkout, research,
club meeting, etc.).  Name could be looked up from existing spreadsheetwith
names and student numbers.  ID picture could be looked up from jpg files
named by ID number.

Don't know of any templates, but this is a trivial application. Good
database if you wanted to learn.

tblStudent(StudentID (PK), first name, last name, path to photo image)

tblVisit(StudentID (PK1, FK), VisitDateStamp (PK2), Purpose) ---
valid only if the come for a single purpose per visit

tblPurposeList(Purpose) --- just a lookup list. Use for rowsource
for the Purpose combobox on your form.

Pictures... you could include the path to the file (and not the file
itself - BIG difference!!!) in the Student table. Then just show the
image on your form. You can use Access with barcode readers. Works a

Keith Wilby

Gina Whipp said:

How are you trolling for work in one section and asking questions on work
you obviously can't do in another?

I think he's trying to re-define the word "resource".



Fred Boer said:
Hi again.. I decided to play with it a bit and added the ability to indicate
a "reason". Again, this is just something simple thrown together to indicate
a possible starting point.

I tried your example. It's close to what I'm trying to do. I have tried to
create a solution myself, but it still doesn't work the way I'd like it to.
Could I email you a copy so you could take a look at it?

Fred Boer

Dear TechTechDude:

I recently created a very, very simple attendance demo for someone else.
I've posted it here:

It isn't a complete solution by any means, but it shows one way to sign
people in and out. It doesn't give you the "reasons" functionality, but it
might be a start for you.


Fred Boer

Hi again.. I decided to play with it a bit and added the ability to indicate
a "reason". Again, this is just something simple thrown together to indicate
a possible starting point.



TechTechDude said:
Sorry, I don't see an email address on your webpage.

"Fred Boer" wrote:

From the link he supplied click in this line:
If you are looking for Fred’s library database, click here.

then on that page click in this line:
Please contact me here: Fred Boer with any comments, questions or suggestions!



I have a handover in Excel format. It is very simple. Basically a shi
calls giving an time of arrival. We request the last port of call
agent, flag of vessel, type of vessel, last port of call etc. The vesse
will either come inside the port, or have bunkers outside port or go t
a waiting area outside port to drop anchor. Basically I am looking int
an Access database to do this. Once the ship leaves the vessel can b
deleted, until it calls again in the future. This is a handover syste
and to keep a current record of the vessels inside territorial waters.

The basic header on top of the page does not change, i.e. date, name o
pilot, phone number of mooring men etc.

The sheet is then set into 3 sections mainly, vessels to ente
valletta, vessels to go for bunkers and vessels at waiting area.

If someone can help me set up the sheet on Access I would be grateful
As I am currently using an Excel sheet and adding rows and deleting row
once the ship leaves. A simple database would be helpful. Thanks

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