Need Advice




I need to some advice to see if something is worth doing or a complete waste
of time.

I receive projects from management constantly. Whenever I am working on them
I come to a halt because they forgot to give me information that was promised
a day to a week before. I am always having to send out reminders and it is
annoying. What I was thinking was this:

Create a simple database with a drop down with all the managers email
addresses and select the one who request the project. Enter the project name,
have a status upate field (like of log), start date and a drop down for
status (may more but this is just for starters).

when all the information is inputted, I want to select "Active" from the
status drop down and some how have the database automatically send out email
reminders for information instead of me doing it. When I select pause (they
gave me what I need and I need to go forward until I either need something
else or complete it) or complete when the project is finished then the emails

Of course I an shooting from the hip this is just a thought but is it
possible to create something that will read a field (managers name) and send
out emails on it's own until the status changes in the status drop down? I
would like for this to work when I am not in the database but if I need to
open it to activate it that's cool too.

Any help would be appreciated!!!


Jeff Boyce

That sounds like it has some similarities to a contracts management
application I created. The folks who request (and manage) the contractors
get "automatic" email notification whenever the status of the contract
changes (i.e., from DRAFT to PENDING, from PENDING to EXECUTED, from
EXECUTED to CLOSED), and they get other automatic notification when their
contract gets within 30 days of expiration or goes over 80% expended.

It was not an insignificant effort...

What level of experience do you have developing applications? In Access?
For computer-naive end-users?

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Hi Jeff,

What you have is pretty much where I was going except yours is probably
quite a bit more detailed than what I need it for but along the same lines.
My thing is, I just get tired of always having to email everyone that if they
contently get reminders sent automatically, they will eventually get annoyed
and get me what I need to complete the project.

I am right around intermediate but I work soley with Flat Sheet databases. I
only build them for the loan center. Anything high tech that is used bank
wide is created by the development department because they need to
maintenance it. My skill level is in Access. I understand what's going on
with mechanics but coding can be challenging at time to understand.

I was hoping this would be a simple type of project as I don't want it to
get to cumbersome. I was actually hoping there was a shell out there
somewhere I can download and modify to my needs.

Thanks Jeff!

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