Need an expert


Steve W

Maybe not.... Just someone that has a brain larger then the match head I
have. ORDERID is the field I have changed.

Here's the problem. A filter problem. The code i have been using not sure
where I got it from, Definitely not from myself but I have been using it to
open a form that is nothing more the a list box, then by clicking on a
record in the list box it would open up an other form which was based on the
primary key. The primary key in the table was set up as a Number field /
long integer and it worked great. Now I have done some modifying to my
tables and need to make the primary key a text field, when make it a text
field it n the code no longer works..Can you help me?

Here is the code that I have used when the primary key was an integer:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Dim FrmName As String

'use the form name that you want to go to

FrmName = "frmCustomerOrder"

If IsNull(Me!List0.Column(2)) Then Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

DoCmd.OpenForm FrmName

With Forms(FrmName)

.Filter = ""

'use the field name that is the ID field (the primary key)

..RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[OrderID]=" & Me!List0.Column(2) 'This is the

.Bookmark = .RecordsetClone.Bookmark

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmJobsNotApproved"

End With

If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub

If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox Error & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Examine the field
name and the criteria after FindFirst in the code. That part of the code may
need modification."

End Sub

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Instead of:

..RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[OrderID]=" & Me!List0.Column(2)


.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[OrderID] = '" & Me!List0.Column(2) & "'"

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