Need answer quick


Jill D

I know I already asked this question but I wasn't able to post the code until
I have been trying to make a template for my company (vet hospital) for our
surgery dismissals. I'm totally new to this and have been having many many
problems. After finally figuring out how to do the userform I tested it. When
I hit the OK or Cancel buttons the template disappears and Word goes into a
regular blank document. Here's the code for the userform and the OK and
Cancel buttons.

This is for the Userform:

Private Sub Document_New()

Dim oForm As frmDismissal

On Error Goto Error_DocumentNew

Set oForm = New frmDismissal
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")

If oForm.Tag = "OK" Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ClientName").Range.Text = oForm.txtClientName.Text
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("PetName").Range.Text = oForm.txtPetName.Text
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Doctor").Range.Text = oForm.txtDoctor.Text
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Date").Range.Text = oForm.txtDate.Text

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If


Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Resume Exit_DocumentNew

End Sub

Here's the next one (for the cancel button):

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


End Sub

Here's the ok button:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Me.Tag = "OK"

End Sub

Just one last there a way for me to have the bookmark be a
certain name (i.e. ClientName) instead of just a blank space with the
bookmark icon?

Thanks for all your help!!


Jay Freedman

There are multiple problems in your post, so let me try to answer them one
at a time.

- First, I hope you aren't trying to test the userform directly in the
template itself, and that instead you're using the File > New dialog to
create a new document based on the template. The Document_New procedure runs
automatically when the new document is created.

- In the template (and thus inherited by new documents based on the
template), you must start with at least the four bookmarks named by the
macro. The capitalization of the names is not important, but the spelling
must be exactly the same in the Insert > Bookmark dialog as it is in the
macro. If any one of the bookmarks doesn't exist in the document, the On
Error statement will cause the macro to go to the Error_DocumentNew label,
where the document will be closed without saving. This is most probably
what's happening to you. (There's another location where the document
closes, but that should happen only when you click Cancel in the userform.)

- If the bookmarks aren't the problem, temporarily comment out all the On
Error statements (put an apostrophe at the beginning of the line), run the
macro, and see what line is highlighted when an error stops the macro. Post
that line and the exact text of the error message here as a reply (PLEASE
don't start yet another thread!).

- Bookmarks don't have "icons". If you have the Bookmarks option checked in
Tools > Options > View, a bookmark that encloses one or more characters
looks like a pair of bold gray square brackets [ ] or a bookmark that
encloses nothing looks like an I-beam because the vertical lines overlap. A
bookmark may enclose spaces, words, pictures, or pretty much anything you
want -- just select the text or object before using Insert > Bookmark. When
your userform finally works, the text or object enclosed by the bookmark
will be replaced by the text from the userform *and the bookmark itself will
be deleted* -- explains how
to restore the bookmark if needed.

Jill D

Sorry about all the threads!! :(

Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate all your help that you're
giving me. I apologize that I am such a novice at this. The whole UserForm,
template and code stuff is all new to me (especially the codes!)
I had a question about your first statement. I'm not sure what you mean by
testing the userform directly in the template. I don't know how to create a
new document based on the template without opening the template first. I got
two completely different ways to create a userform from websites and to tell
you the truth I wouldn't know which one is actually the correct way. One was
from the MVP site and the other was from dragondrop.

Once again your help is greatly appreciated!!! :)

Jay Freedman said:
There are multiple problems in your post, so let me try to answer them one
at a time.

- First, I hope you aren't trying to test the userform directly in the
template itself, and that instead you're using the File > New dialog to
create a new document based on the template. The Document_New procedure runs
automatically when the new document is created.

- In the template (and thus inherited by new documents based on the
template), you must start with at least the four bookmarks named by the
macro. The capitalization of the names is not important, but the spelling
must be exactly the same in the Insert > Bookmark dialog as it is in the
macro. If any one of the bookmarks doesn't exist in the document, the On
Error statement will cause the macro to go to the Error_DocumentNew label,
where the document will be closed without saving. This is most probably
what's happening to you. (There's another location where the document
closes, but that should happen only when you click Cancel in the userform.)

- If the bookmarks aren't the problem, temporarily comment out all the On
Error statements (put an apostrophe at the beginning of the line), run the
macro, and see what line is highlighted when an error stops the macro. Post
that line and the exact text of the error message here as a reply (PLEASE
don't start yet another thread!).

- Bookmarks don't have "icons". If you have the Bookmarks option checked in
Tools > Options > View, a bookmark that encloses one or more characters
looks like a pair of bold gray square brackets [ ] or a bookmark that
encloses nothing looks like an I-beam because the vertical lines overlap. A
bookmark may enclose spaces, words, pictures, or pretty much anything you
want -- just select the text or object before using Insert > Bookmark. When
your userform finally works, the text or object enclosed by the bookmark
will be replaced by the text from the userform *and the bookmark itself will
be deleted* -- explains how
to restore the bookmark if needed.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP

Jill said:
I know I already asked this question but I wasn't able to post the
code until now.
I have been trying to make a template for my company (vet hospital)
for our surgery dismissals. I'm totally new to this and have been
having many many problems. After finally figuring out how to do the
userform I tested it. When I hit the OK or Cancel buttons the
template disappears and Word goes into a regular blank document.
Here's the code for the userform and the OK and Cancel buttons.

This is for the Userform:

Private Sub Document_New()

Dim oForm As frmDismissal

On Error Goto Error_DocumentNew

Set oForm = New frmDismissal
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")

If oForm.Tag = "OK" Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ClientName").Range.Text =
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("PetName").Range.Text =
oForm.txtPetName.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Doctor").Range.Text
= oForm.txtDoctor.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Date").Range.Text =

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If


Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Resume Exit_DocumentNew

End Sub

Here's the next one (for the cancel button):

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


End Sub

Here's the ok button:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Me.Tag = "OK"

End Sub

Just one last there a way for me to have the bookmark be a
certain name (i.e. ClientName) instead of just a blank space with the
bookmark icon?

Thanks for all your help!!


Jill D

Hi, I was wondering if you were still going to help me??? I haven't heard
back from you yet and I still need help!!


Jill D said:
Sorry about all the threads!! :(

Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate all your help that you're
giving me. I apologize that I am such a novice at this. The whole UserForm,
template and code stuff is all new to me (especially the codes!)
I had a question about your first statement. I'm not sure what you mean by
testing the userform directly in the template. I don't know how to create a
new document based on the template without opening the template first. I got
two completely different ways to create a userform from websites and to tell
you the truth I wouldn't know which one is actually the correct way. One was
from the MVP site and the other was from dragondrop.

Once again your help is greatly appreciated!!! :)

Jay Freedman said:
There are multiple problems in your post, so let me try to answer them one
at a time.

- First, I hope you aren't trying to test the userform directly in the
template itself, and that instead you're using the File > New dialog to
create a new document based on the template. The Document_New procedure runs
automatically when the new document is created.

- In the template (and thus inherited by new documents based on the
template), you must start with at least the four bookmarks named by the
macro. The capitalization of the names is not important, but the spelling
must be exactly the same in the Insert > Bookmark dialog as it is in the
macro. If any one of the bookmarks doesn't exist in the document, the On
Error statement will cause the macro to go to the Error_DocumentNew label,
where the document will be closed without saving. This is most probably
what's happening to you. (There's another location where the document
closes, but that should happen only when you click Cancel in the userform.)

- If the bookmarks aren't the problem, temporarily comment out all the On
Error statements (put an apostrophe at the beginning of the line), run the
macro, and see what line is highlighted when an error stops the macro. Post
that line and the exact text of the error message here as a reply (PLEASE
don't start yet another thread!).

- Bookmarks don't have "icons". If you have the Bookmarks option checked in
Tools > Options > View, a bookmark that encloses one or more characters
looks like a pair of bold gray square brackets [ ] or a bookmark that
encloses nothing looks like an I-beam because the vertical lines overlap. A
bookmark may enclose spaces, words, pictures, or pretty much anything you
want -- just select the text or object before using Insert > Bookmark. When
your userform finally works, the text or object enclosed by the bookmark
will be replaced by the text from the userform *and the bookmark itself will
be deleted* -- explains how
to restore the bookmark if needed.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP

Jill said:
I know I already asked this question but I wasn't able to post the
code until now.
I have been trying to make a template for my company (vet hospital)
for our surgery dismissals. I'm totally new to this and have been
having many many problems. After finally figuring out how to do the
userform I tested it. When I hit the OK or Cancel buttons the
template disappears and Word goes into a regular blank document.
Here's the code for the userform and the OK and Cancel buttons.

This is for the Userform:

Private Sub Document_New()

Dim oForm As frmDismissal

On Error Goto Error_DocumentNew

Set oForm = New frmDismissal
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")

If oForm.Tag = "OK" Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ClientName").Range.Text =
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("PetName").Range.Text =
oForm.txtPetName.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Doctor").Range.Text
= oForm.txtDoctor.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Date").Range.Text =

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If


Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Resume Exit_DocumentNew

End Sub

Here's the next one (for the cancel button):

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


End Sub

Here's the ok button:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Me.Tag = "OK"

End Sub

Just one last there a way for me to have the bookmark be a
certain name (i.e. ClientName) instead of just a blank space with the
bookmark icon?

Thanks for all your help!!


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

From the File menu, select New and then select the template that you have
created. A new document will be created based on that template and if you
have the commands in the AutoNew macro correct, the userform will then be

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Jill D said:
Sorry about all the threads!! :(

Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate all your help that you're
giving me. I apologize that I am such a novice at this. The whole
template and code stuff is all new to me (especially the codes!)
I had a question about your first statement. I'm not sure what you mean by
testing the userform directly in the template. I don't know how to create
new document based on the template without opening the template first. I
two completely different ways to create a userform from websites and to
you the truth I wouldn't know which one is actually the correct way. One
from the MVP site and the other was from dragondrop.

Once again your help is greatly appreciated!!! :)

Jay Freedman said:
There are multiple problems in your post, so let me try to answer them
at a time.

- First, I hope you aren't trying to test the userform directly in the
template itself, and that instead you're using the File > New dialog to
create a new document based on the template. The Document_New procedure
automatically when the new document is created.

- In the template (and thus inherited by new documents based on the
template), you must start with at least the four bookmarks named by the
macro. The capitalization of the names is not important, but the spelling
must be exactly the same in the Insert > Bookmark dialog as it is in the
macro. If any one of the bookmarks doesn't exist in the document, the On
Error statement will cause the macro to go to the Error_DocumentNew
where the document will be closed without saving. This is most probably
what's happening to you. (There's another location where the document
closes, but that should happen only when you click Cancel in the

- If the bookmarks aren't the problem, temporarily comment out all the On
Error statements (put an apostrophe at the beginning of the line), run
macro, and see what line is highlighted when an error stops the macro.
that line and the exact text of the error message here as a reply (PLEASE
don't start yet another thread!).

- Bookmarks don't have "icons". If you have the Bookmarks option checked
Tools > Options > View, a bookmark that encloses one or more characters
looks like a pair of bold gray square brackets [ ] or a bookmark that
encloses nothing looks like an I-beam because the vertical lines overlap.
bookmark may enclose spaces, words, pictures, or pretty much anything you
want -- just select the text or object before using Insert > Bookmark.
your userform finally works, the text or object enclosed by the bookmark
will be replaced by the text from the userform *and the bookmark itself
be deleted* -- explains
to restore the bookmark if needed.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP

Jill said:
I know I already asked this question but I wasn't able to post the
code until now.
I have been trying to make a template for my company (vet hospital)
for our surgery dismissals. I'm totally new to this and have been
having many many problems. After finally figuring out how to do the
userform I tested it. When I hit the OK or Cancel buttons the
template disappears and Word goes into a regular blank document.
Here's the code for the userform and the OK and Cancel buttons.

This is for the Userform:

Private Sub Document_New()

Dim oForm As frmDismissal

On Error Goto Error_DocumentNew

Set oForm = New frmDismissal
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")

If oForm.Tag = "OK" Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ClientName").Range.Text =
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("PetName").Range.Text =
oForm.txtPetName.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Doctor").Range.Text
= oForm.txtDoctor.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Date").Range.Text =

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If


Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Resume Exit_DocumentNew

End Sub

Here's the next one (for the cancel button):

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


End Sub

Here's the ok button:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Me.Tag = "OK"

End Sub

Just one last there a way for me to have the bookmark be a
certain name (i.e. ClientName) instead of just a blank space with the
bookmark icon?

Thanks for all your help!!


Jay Freedman

Hi, sorry I missed your post.

As Doug says, you need to use the New command on the File menu and
choose your template in the dialog. If you're using Word 2002 or 2003,
they've made this needlessly complicated -- when you click File > New
you get a task pane, and you then have to click the link for "On my
computer" to get the dialog where you can choose the template.

The two ways of creating a userform aren't really that different. You
can use either one while you get more familiar with the whole process.
The method at is technically more correct, but it is
more complicated, and it matters only if you're making a template with
more than one userform.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Hi, I was wondering if you were still going to help me??? I haven't heard
back from you yet and I still need help!!


Jill D said:
Sorry about all the threads!! :(

Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate all your help that you're
giving me. I apologize that I am such a novice at this. The whole UserForm,
template and code stuff is all new to me (especially the codes!)
I had a question about your first statement. I'm not sure what you mean by
testing the userform directly in the template. I don't know how to create a
new document based on the template without opening the template first. I got
two completely different ways to create a userform from websites and to tell
you the truth I wouldn't know which one is actually the correct way. One was
from the MVP site and the other was from dragondrop.

Once again your help is greatly appreciated!!! :)

Jay Freedman said:
There are multiple problems in your post, so let me try to answer them one
at a time.

- First, I hope you aren't trying to test the userform directly in the
template itself, and that instead you're using the File > New dialog to
create a new document based on the template. The Document_New procedure runs
automatically when the new document is created.

- In the template (and thus inherited by new documents based on the
template), you must start with at least the four bookmarks named by the
macro. The capitalization of the names is not important, but the spelling
must be exactly the same in the Insert > Bookmark dialog as it is in the
macro. If any one of the bookmarks doesn't exist in the document, the On
Error statement will cause the macro to go to the Error_DocumentNew label,
where the document will be closed without saving. This is most probably
what's happening to you. (There's another location where the document
closes, but that should happen only when you click Cancel in the userform.)

- If the bookmarks aren't the problem, temporarily comment out all the On
Error statements (put an apostrophe at the beginning of the line), run the
macro, and see what line is highlighted when an error stops the macro. Post
that line and the exact text of the error message here as a reply (PLEASE
don't start yet another thread!).

- Bookmarks don't have "icons". If you have the Bookmarks option checked in
Tools > Options > View, a bookmark that encloses one or more characters
looks like a pair of bold gray square brackets [ ] or a bookmark that
encloses nothing looks like an I-beam because the vertical lines overlap. A
bookmark may enclose spaces, words, pictures, or pretty much anything you
want -- just select the text or object before using Insert > Bookmark. When
your userform finally works, the text or object enclosed by the bookmark
will be replaced by the text from the userform *and the bookmark itself will
be deleted* -- explains how
to restore the bookmark if needed.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP

Jill D wrote:
I know I already asked this question but I wasn't able to post the
code until now.
I have been trying to make a template for my company (vet hospital)
for our surgery dismissals. I'm totally new to this and have been
having many many problems. After finally figuring out how to do the
userform I tested it. When I hit the OK or Cancel buttons the
template disappears and Word goes into a regular blank document.
Here's the code for the userform and the OK and Cancel buttons.

This is for the Userform:

Private Sub Document_New()

Dim oForm As frmDismissal

On Error Goto Error_DocumentNew

Set oForm = New frmDismissal
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")

If oForm.Tag = "OK" Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ClientName").Range.Text =
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("PetName").Range.Text =
oForm.txtPetName.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Doctor").Range.Text
= oForm.txtDoctor.Text ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Date").Range.Text =

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If


Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

Unload oForm
Set oForm = Nothing
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Resume Exit_DocumentNew

End Sub

Here's the next one (for the cancel button):

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


End Sub

Here's the ok button:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Me.Tag = "OK"

End Sub

Just one last there a way for me to have the bookmark be a
certain name (i.e. ClientName) instead of just a blank space with the
bookmark icon?

Thanks for all your help!!


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