Need Autonum Field to update another field



I have a Field on a form called TurnID defined as
AutoNumber. I need to have another field on the same table
called TempID to be updated with the number that is
generated when the a new record is created so that other
macros and queries can use the Tempid to insert/search
addtional tables. I read where macros and append queries
cant use Autonumber fields, so I tried adding an
additional field called TempID, but I am unable to
populate it with the TurnId number. TurnID is the key used
by additional Tables. Help!

Jeff Boyce


I'm not clear why, if you already have an Autonumber field, you need an
additional field to hold a copy of that Autonumber.

I'll point out that if you are using Access/Jet as your data back-end, the
Autonumber gets created when you first add data to a new record. In SQL
Server (?and other backends), the "autonumber" isn't created until after you
save the record.


I was able to populate the tempid field using a macro
update function. The reason I need to save the Autonumb
field to a second field is because I need to insert a
record into a second database and use the same Key Id.
When I trid to use the Autonumb field I would get errors
saying that the Autonumb field can not be used. Not sure
if this is the best method.

Jeff Boyce

Without some idea of the kind of exact language your error message contained
"when you tried to use the Autonumber field", it will be tough to diagnose.

How 'bout if you step back and describe what you want to accomplish? Your
descriptions so far seem to be more about how you are trying to do

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