Need Character Code



Hi Derek,

I tried the following code:

Content = chr$(002) & “test”

But, it didn’t give me what I expected.

I want to pass “ctrl + B” (bold) & “test” to Lotus Notes.

Please help me..

Thanks in advance.

-----Original Message-----
Thinking back to my Apple II days... the Ctrl-G was
the "bell" sound and was 007. And <enter/Return/ was
013. (If you do a ctrl-M, you get the carriage return).
So, I would assume (test me on this) that Ctrl-B would be
Char code 002.

Derek Wittman

Hey, Tim. I'm not familiar with Lotus Notes beyond spelling them.

Other than the SendKeys - which goes against the 10 Commandments of Access...

You can set the FonBold Property in VBA. This is from the VBA help file:

FormFontBold Property Example

The following Print event procedure prints a report title and the current date in a bold style on a report at the coordinates specified by the CurrentX and CurrentY property settings.

Private Sub ReportHeader0_Print(Cancel As Integer, _
PrintCount As Integer)
Dim MyDate

MyDate = Date
Me.FontBold = True
' Print report title in bold.
Me.Print("Sales Management Report")
End Sub

I really thought the ASCII code of 002 would work. It might just be Alt-2 on the keypad as well.

I'm sorry, I'm grasping at straws now...


----- Tim wrote: -----

Hi Derek,

I tried the following code:

Content = chr$(002) &“test”

But, it didn’t give me what I expected.

I want to pass “ctrl + B” (bold) &“test” to Lotus Notes.

Please help me..

Thanks in advance.

-----Original Message-----
Thinking back to my Apple II days... the Ctrl-G was
the "bell" sound and was 007. And <enter/Return/ was
013. (If you do a ctrl-M, you get the carriage return).
So, I would assume (test me on this) that Ctrl-B would be
Char code 002.


How are you passing it to Lotus Notes?

ASCII codes do not include control variations, just
-----Original Message-----
Hey, Tim. I'm not familiar with Lotus Notes beyond spelling them.

Other than the SendKeys - which goes against the 10 Commandments of Access...

You can set the FonBold Property in VBA. This is from the VBA help file:

FormFontBold Property Example

The following Print event procedure prints a report title
and the current date in a bold style on a report at the
coordinates specified by the CurrentX and CurrentY
property settings.
Private Sub ReportHeader0_Print(Cancel As Integer, _
PrintCount As Integer)
Dim MyDate

MyDate = Date
Me.FontBold = True
' Print report title in bold.
Me.Print("Sales Management Report")
End Sub

I really thought the ASCII code of 002 would work. It
might just be Alt-2 on the keypad as well.


Ooops, sent it too soon.

If you are sending it via SendKeys, then just send ^B.
That would send control+B.

ASCII codes don't include control keys, just Alt keys.

Sorry couldn't be of more help. I hate Lotus Notes, too.

(Can you use HTML in Lotus Notes? Then <B> would work.)


-----Original Message-----
Hey, Tim. I'm not familiar with Lotus Notes beyond spelling them.

Other than the SendKeys - which goes against the 10 Commandments of Access...

You can set the FonBold Property in VBA. This is from the VBA help file:

FormFontBold Property Example

The following Print event procedure prints a report title
and the current date in a bold style on a report at the
coordinates specified by the CurrentX and CurrentY
property settings.
Private Sub ReportHeader0_Print(Cancel As Integer, _
PrintCount As Integer)
Dim MyDate

MyDate = Date
Me.FontBold = True
' Print report title in bold.
Me.Print("Sales Management Report")
End Sub

I really thought the ASCII code of 002 would work. It
might just be Alt-2 on the keypad as well.


Hi Derek and Chris,

I hate Lotus Notes, too but I have no choice. I did try
^B, but it still didn't work.

Thanks for you help.


Derek Wittman

I've never used it, but a friend of mine owned a consulting company that did a lot with it. I don't like the Citrix environment either, but the people that pay me have made it the only way to work. Sometimes we just have no choice. In The AccesWeb's Netiquette section, there's a suggestion to try Google for answers. Have you checked there yet


----- Tim wrote: ----

Hi Derek and Chris

I hate Lotus Notes, too but I have no choice. I did try
^B, but it still didn't work.

Thanks for you help




I tried to search in google, but I found nothing.

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
I've never used it, but a friend of mine owned a
consulting company that did a lot with it. I don't like
the Citrix environment either, but the people that pay me
have made it the only way to work. Sometimes we just
have no choice. In The AccesWeb's Netiquette section,
there's a suggestion to try Google for answers. Have you
checked there yet?

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