Need code check



Can someone try to see where the error is for this code as it will not
work in the new book like the old one.

Using =RunTime(XXXX) in the cells to obtain the time it took from one
point to another point. Want to get the time down to hours, minutes and

Also using this code too.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim TimeStr As String

On Error GoTo EndMacro
If Application.Intersect(Target,
Range("MyTimeCols,MyTimeCols2,MyTimeCols3,MyTimeCols4,")) Is Nothing
Exit Sub

I am getting #name? in cells that should display 00:07:30, 00:09:55,
00:55:55 etc.

Function RunTime(EndTime As Range) As Double
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim org As Range
Dim STstr As String, ETstr As String
Dim stH As Long, stMIN As Long, stSEC As Long
Dim etH As Long, etMIN As Long, etSEC As Long
Dim col As Long, EndCol As Long, rw As Long
Dim i As Long
Const startCol = 15 'Column O
Const LabelRow = 5
Dim temp As Double

Dim ar
Const c1 = "Bus Departs at", c2 = "Stop #" 'this defines the Start

ar = Array(c1, c2)

EndCol = EndTime.Column - 1
rw = EndTime.Row

If EndTime.Value = 0 Then
RunTime = 0
Exit Function
End If

If Not IsNumeric(EndTime.Value) Then Exit Function

If EndTime = 0 Then
RunTime = 0
Exit Function
End If

StartTime = 0
For col = startCol To EndCol
If InStr(1, Cells(LabelRow, col), c1) + _
InStr(1, Cells(LabelRow, col), c2) > 0 Then
StartTime = Cells(rw, col).Value
End If
If StartTime > 0 Then Exit For
Next col

If StartTime = 0 Then
RunTime = 0
Exit Function
End If

STstr = Format(StartTime, "00:00:00")
ETstr = Format(EndTime, "00:00:00")

stH = Left(STstr, 2)
stMIN = Mid(STstr, 3, 2)
stSEC = Right(STstr, 2)

etH = Left(ETstr, 2)
etMIN = Mid(ETstr, 3, 2)
etSEC = Right(ETstr, 2)

temp = TimeSerial(etH, etMIN, etSEC) - TimeSerial(stH, stMIN, stSEC)

RunTime = CDbl(Format(temp, "hh:mm:ss"))

End Function


This is how the cols look and how it will work.
Col A Col O Col T Col AA Col BB Col BD
Row 6 Bus Departs Stop#1987 Stop#1434 Stop#1887 RunTime
Row 7 12:23:23 0:00:00 12:43:22 12:55:33 0:32:10
Row 8 0:00:00 14:22:10 0:00:00 14:44:50 0:22:40
Row 9 07:12:55 07:14:00 07:30:22 07:44:44 0:31:49
Row 10 0:00:00 0:00:00 14:44:54 14:55:55 0:11:01

The start point is based on the first cell to have a time enter into it
and the RunTime is based on the cell before the RunTime cell.

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