Need data1.msi file?



I have Word 2000 and Windows ME O/S.

When I try to open a document that was saved in rtf, I get
an error that says "This is not a valid style name."

If I try to save a document in Wordperfect format, it
tells me I need the SR-1 update and begins trying to
install it. However, according to my settings in
Add/Remove programs, I already have this update. It
eventually stops and says I need the SR-1 disk to install
something (that apparently wasn't installed before), or I
need the data1.msi file. I searched and do not have that
file on my hard drive anywhere. I've looked all over the
Microsoft site for that file, but can't find it.

I downloaded the SR-1(a) update and it also said that I
already have SR-1 installed. So if it's installed, then
why does it try to re-install when I try to save to
Wordperfect? Any ideas what to do? I really need to be
able to save and convert to rtf and Wordperfect.


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