jacobusroos via AccessMonster.com
I have 2 tables, the one is the Parent table which holds a column
TotalImprovedSQM this column is calculated by using the child table column
sum(improved) the criteria by which this happens is three column values in
"Update MainTable set ImprovedSQMTotal = (SELECT Sum(structures.Improved) AS
ImprovementsSQMTotal FROM MainTable, structures where (MainTable.
BulkData1_ERFNO = structures.ERFNO) AND (MainTable.BulkData1_TOWNSHIPNAME =
structures.Township) AND (MainTable.BulkData1_PORTIONNO = structures.[Portion
No])) "
The above query in Access keeps givin me 3073 error and Both column do have
primary keys and IDs
Thus I wrote : Update Maintable
set ImprovedSQMTotal = DLookUp("sum(nz(Improved,0))","structures","(" &
MainTable.BulkData1_PORTIONNO & " = structures.[Portion No]) AND ('" &
MainTable.BulkData1_TOWNSHIPNAME & "' = structures.Township) AND (" &
MainTable.BulkData1_ERFNO & " = structures.ERFNO)")
This works but the problem is it takes exceptional long to do on 37000+
Is there a beter way, am I missing small details in my first attempt (the
first SQL statement) or is the second sql statement the only way ?
TotalImprovedSQM this column is calculated by using the child table column
sum(improved) the criteria by which this happens is three column values in
"Update MainTable set ImprovedSQMTotal = (SELECT Sum(structures.Improved) AS
ImprovementsSQMTotal FROM MainTable, structures where (MainTable.
BulkData1_ERFNO = structures.ERFNO) AND (MainTable.BulkData1_TOWNSHIPNAME =
structures.Township) AND (MainTable.BulkData1_PORTIONNO = structures.[Portion
No])) "
The above query in Access keeps givin me 3073 error and Both column do have
primary keys and IDs
Thus I wrote : Update Maintable
set ImprovedSQMTotal = DLookUp("sum(nz(Improved,0))","structures","(" &
MainTable.BulkData1_PORTIONNO & " = structures.[Portion No]) AND ('" &
MainTable.BulkData1_TOWNSHIPNAME & "' = structures.Township) AND (" &
MainTable.BulkData1_ERFNO & " = structures.ERFNO)")
This works but the problem is it takes exceptional long to do on 37000+
Is there a beter way, am I missing small details in my first attempt (the
first SQL statement) or is the second sql statement the only way ?